customers share theirsuccesses

Eros Carvalho Small
Eros Carvalho
Studio Manager @ Hoplon
“We were looking for a powerful and low latency server to be one of our hosts for Heavy Metal Machines Game Servers to Europe when we found CloudSigma. During the test week, we had realized how fast, reliable and highly customizable CloudSigma could be. We’re very happy that CloudSigma is our current cloud provider that hosts most of our Game Sessions for Europe.”
Riccardo Ferrucci Genio Group Small
Riccardo Ferrucci
“The unprecedented support, high SLA and ability to tailor our virtual machines as per our exact needs were our top reasons for choosing CloudSigma as our infrastructure partner.”

Customer Cloud Journeys

Esa Logo

European space agency

Space and Earth Observation

ESA is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. Learn how CloudSigma’s stable platform enables ESA to supply consumers of EO data with great performance and availability.
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Digital Asset Management

Picturepark is a Digital Asset Management company specializing in the management of file-based content using sophisticated metadata features. With CloudSigma, Picturepark found a cloud provider that could achieve a high-performance level to match their existing in-house infrastructure. 




Weather Prediction & Meteorological Services

ECMWF is the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. It is an independent intergovernmental organization supported by 34 states. CloudSigma enables ECMWF to provision large volumes of near-real-time datasets to CloudSigma’s public cloud. Member States are able to go directly to the CloudSigma cloud platform, set up an account, and receive the required data.


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Global Logistics

Bertschi is a global logistics service provider based in Switzerland. CloudSIgma’s no vendor lock-in feature enabled Bertschi to develop its own application in the cloud. CloudSigma’s up to date hardware platform combined with customization features also meant excellent performance results for Bertschi’s new application.  
BOC Group PNG Logo


Software Management and Consultancy

BOC Group is an international leader in software and consultancy. It has implemented a tailor-made, vendor-independent architecture with multiple private networks sat behind a custom firewall on CloudSigma’s infrastructure.

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Genio group

Fraud Detection and Prevention

GENIO GROUP develops services for the financial sector, focusing on risk assessment, fraud prevention, support in compliance certification, banking, and fiscal management of credit. With CloudSigma, Genio Group found a stable and fast service provider. Due to CloudSigma’s flexible and scalable infrastructure, it already enriched its service portfolio.