Go Web Application featured image

Deploying a Go Web Application using Nginx on Ubuntu 22.04

Go is an open-source general-purpose programming language. It was inspired by the productivity of Python while offering the ability of C. It was originally developed by Google to tackle issues they were facing with their codebase (code complexity and long compilation time). Like any other modern-day programming language, Go is suitable for all sorts of purposes. For example, it could …

How To Secure and Scale a Django Application with Docker, Nginx, and Let's Encrypt featured image

How To Secure and Scale a Django Application with Docker, Nginx, and Let’s Encrypt

Millions of users get on the Internet to access information for various purposes including learning, entertainment, news, and sharing their lives’ progress with friends. Hence, when deploying an app, it’s in your best interest that you implement a highly secure and scalable infrastructure for your application. The cloud offers various ways to secure and scale a Django application. Horizontal scaling …

Feature imagePublic-IP-for-Access-to-Kubernetes-Application-in-Jelastic-PaaS

Exploring CloudSigma PaaS: How to Access Kubernetes Application via Public IP

CloudSigma PaaS allows users to expose their applications using a public IP address. This address needs to be attached to a node from the Kubernetes cluster environment. There are two ways to achieve this in the CloudSigma PaaS environment: One way is to attach the public IP to a dedicated load balancer. Another way is to attach the public IP …

PHP Rate Limiting Using Redis featured image

Implementing PHP Rate Limiting Using Redis on Ubuntu 20.04: A Tutorial

Redis, also called Remote Dictionary Server, is an open-sourced in-memory database. It is a data-structured storage system that runs on a server’s RAM, which is much quicker than the fastest Solid State Drive (SSD). As a result, Redis is very responsive and an excellent fit for rate limiting. Rate limiting restricts the number of times a user may request a …

Docker Image post featured image

How to Host a Docker Image Repository and Build Docker Images with GitLab Self-Managed Instance on Ubuntu 20.04

Containerization technology has greatly advanced in the software development tech space as the most accepted method of packaging and deploying applications in cloud environments. This has been necessitated by the need for continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) which are defining aspects of DevOps. Software developers and engineers make use of containers to achieve the CI/CD aspect of software …

SSL Certificate featured image

Installing an SSL Certificate From a Commercial Certificate Authority: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction SSL certificates are tools that enable you to make your server more secure. These data files make the connections between a server and a browser safer. They are the difference between an HTTP and an HTTPS website. The way an SSL certificate works is that it encrypts your data stream, vets out the traffic, and verifies user identities. It …

OpenSSL featured image

OpenSSL Essentials: Working with Private Keys, Certificate Signing Requests, and SSL Certificates

OpenSSL is an open-source cryptography library that includes a variety of commands used in the TLS Protocol and Public Key Infrastructure. OpenSSL was released in 1998 and is available for Windows, Linux, macOS, and BSD systems. The OpenSSL command will help you perform various tasks including Certificate Signing Request (CSR), private keys generation, and SSL certification. OpenSSL is important because …

Nginx with Let's Encrypt featured image

How to Secure Nginx with Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04

Having a secure website is vital to ensuring a reputable online presence for any business. Website security should be among your top concerns especially if you are transferring sensitive data between your website and your website visitors. A simple Google search of ‘how to secure a website’ will bring you several directives. One of the top results is an SSL …

Let’s Encrypt

Securing Apache with Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 18.04

Website and data security are topics that cannot be taken lightly. Highly sensitive information which includes financial records and customers’ private information is always in transit between the user’s computer and your website. When you consider this fact, it’s not hard to see why unsecured websites could result in a breach that could seriously damage your business. There are a …

LEMP stack featured image

How to Install the LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL PHP) on Ubuntu 20.04

Introduction In the world of the internet, several technologies come together to form a solution that enables internet users to access dynamic content on the world wide web. LEMP stack is one of those solutions. It brings together four technologies that make a complete server solution for high-performance and dynamic websites. LEMP is an acronym for Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and …

CloudSigma security measures

Five Security Measures CloudSigma has taken to keep you safe

The complexity of cloud infrastructures makes it difficult for customers to assess the security level of their cloud provider in any great detail. So, below is a list of the key security measures which CloudSigma as a major public cloud IaaS provider has taken to keep you, the customer, safe. These sit alongside the structural measures that keep customer cloud …