Building a Django and Gunicorn Application with Docker on Ubuntu featured image

Building a Django and Gunicorn Application with Docker on Ubuntu

Django is a high-level open-source Python web framework that can help you build your Python application quickly. It encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design by following the model–template–views architectural pattern. Out of the box, the framework comes with the necessary modern application components such as user authentication, caching framework, object-relational mapper, URL Dispatcher, template system, and customizable administrative interface. …

Docker Image post featured image

How to Host a Docker Image Repository and Build Docker Images with GitLab Self-Managed Instance on Ubuntu 20.04

Containerization technology has greatly advanced in the software development tech space as the most accepted method of packaging and deploying applications in cloud environments. This has been necessitated by the need for continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) which are defining aspects of DevOps. Software developers and engineers make use of containers to achieve the CI/CD aspect of software …

Flask Application with Docker featured image

Build and Deploy a Flask Application with Docker on Ubuntu 20.04

Introduction Docker is an open-source container platform. It is a lightweight, virtualized, portable, software-defined standardized environment that allows the software to run in isolation from other software running on the physical host machine. Docker offers a lightweight alternative to virtual machines. At the same time, it provides portability, performance, agility, and scalability of applications. For a comprehensive guide about the …

Docker containers feature image

Sharing Data between Docker Containers

Introduction Docker is a container platform that is a lightweight, virtualized, portable, software-defined standardized environment that allows the software to run in isolation of other software running on the physical host machine. Docker is a defining component of the Continuous Development and Integration aspect of Software Development. By providing a consistent run-time environment, Docker ensures that software behaves the same …