Pagination featured image

Applying Pagination to Display Multiple Records using MySQL with PHP on Ubuntu 20.04

Introduction Pagination is an important concept in building data-driven applications. When pulling out the records from the database, a large number of records may be fetched. For instance, when running the query for active users or users belonging to some specific location, a large number of users in hundreds or even thousands can be returned. Displaying this huge number of …

LEMP stack featured image

How to Install the LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL PHP) on Ubuntu 20.04

Introduction In the world of the internet, several technologies come together to form a solution that enables internet users to access dynamic content on the world wide web. LEMP stack is one of those solutions. It brings together four technologies that make a complete server solution for high-performance and dynamic websites. LEMP is an acronym for Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and …