How To Secure and Scale a Django Application with Docker, Nginx, and Let's Encrypt featured image

How To Secure and Scale a Django Application with Docker, Nginx, and Let’s Encrypt

Millions of users get on the Internet to access information for various purposes including learning, entertainment, news, and sharing their lives’ progress with friends. Hence, when deploying an app, it’s in your best interest that you implement a highly secure and scalable infrastructure for your application. The cloud offers various ways to secure and scale a Django application. Horizontal scaling …

Feature imagePublic-IP-for-Access-to-Kubernetes-Application-in-Jelastic-PaaS

Exploring CloudSigma PaaS: How to Access Kubernetes Application via Public IP

CloudSigma PaaS allows users to expose their applications using a public IP address. This address needs to be attached to a node from the Kubernetes cluster environment. There are two ways to achieve this in the CloudSigma PaaS environment: One way is to attach the public IP to a dedicated load balancer. Another way is to attach the public IP …

Auto-Clustering CloudSigma PaaS featured image

Improving Database Availability and Performance: MariaDB/MySQL Auto-Clustering with Load Balancing and Replication

High data availability and consistently good performance are a necessity for modern applications. Database clusterization makes this a possibility. Clusterization is, however, a complex process that requires a lot of experience and expertise. To simplify the task and make it achievable, CloudSigma PaaS allows its users to access auto-clustering for MariaDB/MySQL. In this guide, we will discuss why database clusterization …

Load Balancing featured image

CloudSigma PaaS Platform Load Balancing How-to Guide

On CloudSigma’s PaaS Dashboard settings, you will find a tool known as a load balancer. Load balancers are dedicated nodes that allow you to perform load balancing– the process of traffic navigation and workload distribution across different components in your infrastructure. CloudSigma PaaS gives you the option to add these instances manually into your environment. You will get the option …

CloudSigma PaaS Dashboard featured image

CloudSigma PaaS Platform Dashboard How-to Guide

The following is a detailed guide that will help you become familiar with the CloudSigma PaaS Dashboard. We will go over all of the different features, tools, and icons you can interact with on the user interface to create and modify your project. You need to follow along with this tutorial on the CloudSigma PaaS platform. This way, you can …

HAProxy featured image

HAProxy and Load Balancing Concepts: the Basics

Introduction High Availability Proxy (HAProxy), is a popular open-source proxying and TCP/HTTP load balancer solution able to run on Solaris, FreeBSD, and Linux. It is most commonly used to enhance the reliability and performance of a server environment by providing a balanced distribution of workload across multiple servers. This type of tool is used in many high-profile environments like Instagram, …

Nginx featured image

Nginx HTTP Proxying, Load Balancing, Buffering, and Caching: an Overview

Introduction Nginx is a high-performance web server that is also used as a reverse proxy, mail proxy, load balancer, and HTTP cache. Nginx is free and open-source, allowing anyone to download and use it in their server environment. You may have already used Nginx to serve websites. In this tutorial, we will be discussing the other capabilities of Nginx. The …

Server Setup

Setting up Your Application: How to Choose the Best Server Setup?

Introduction Technology and the internet have become central presences in our regular, academic, and professional lives. That is why the sheer number of websites and applications that exist concurrently does not come as a surprise. If you are a business, you would want to have an associated web platform. An application enables you to market and deliver your services to …