Install Node.js featured image

Installing Node.js on CentOS 8: a Complete Guide

Introduction Node.js is a free-to-use, open-source server environment. It is commonly used for browser-based web development purposes. It allows developers to use JavaScript to do backend programming. Since most developers are intimately familiar with JavaScript, it makes things very easy. The program lets you add, modify, and delete files on the server, produce dynamic content, and collect data. In this …

Nginx featured image

Nginx HTTP Proxying, Load Balancing, Buffering, and Caching: an Overview

Introduction Nginx is a high-performance web server that is also used as a reverse proxy, mail proxy, load balancer, and HTTP cache. Nginx is free and open-source, allowing anyone to download and use it in their server environment. You may have already used Nginx to serve websites. In this tutorial, we will be discussing the other capabilities of Nginx. The …

Docker Ecosystem featured image

What is Docker? An Overview of the Docker Ecosystem

Introduction If you dabble in the world of programming, then you may be familiar with the term ‘containerization’. If not, containerization is a process that helps make applications more manageable. It works by allowing the programmer to distribute applications in organic, portable packages. Each package is lightweight and isolated, complete with its own environment. These individual packages are known as …

SSL Certificate featured image

Installing an SSL Certificate From a Commercial Certificate Authority: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction SSL certificates are tools that enable you to make your server more secure. These data files make the connections between a server and a browser safer. They are the difference between an HTTP and an HTTPS website. The way an SSL certificate works is that it encrypts your data stream, vets out the traffic, and verifies user identities. It …

PaaS Containers featured image

Containerization Technology: Types and Uses of Different Containers on CloudSigma’s PaaS Platform

Container technology provides a way for you to package your applications. You can put it into individual packets that are functionally capable and independent. CloudSigma’s Platform-as-a-Service solution (PaaS) offers two different types of containers: system containers and application containers. Let’s explore what each of these are, how they work, and where you can use them. What are System Containers? System …

How To Crawl A Web Page with Scrapy and Python 3_Prancheta

How to Crawl a Web Page with Scrapy and Python 3

Web scraping, web crawling, web harvesting, or web data extraction are synonyms referring to the act of mining data from web pages across the Internet. Web scrapers or web crawlers are tools that go over web pages programmatically extracting the required data. These data, which is usually large sets of text can be used for analytical purposes, to understand products, …

Apache web server featured image

Installing the Apache Web Server on CentOS 7

A web server stores, processes and delivers web pages to website visitors. There are quite a few Open Source web server software options, but the Apache HTTP server is deemed as the most widely used web server in the world. This is because, apart from being open-source, its modular architecture allows extending its capabilities through adding modules to serve different …

Share Data Between Docker Container and Host featured image

How To Share Data Between a Docker Container and a Host

Introduction Generally, Docker containers only run for a certain period of time – the time it takes to run the command. The data that is available inside the container can only be accessed from within the container during the runtime. Docker volumes can be used for accessing the files easily and storing them for a longer period. For example, if …

Python features image

Using Python 3 String Formatters

Introduction The str.format() method in the string class of Python lets you do a variety of value formatting and substitution. Positional formatting and concatenation of elements within a string are done using string formatters in Python 3. In this tutorial, you will learn about the common uses of string formatters in Python. Formatting the strings will help you write more …

Cloud for Research and Education

  CLOUD FOR RESEARCH & EDUCATION CloudSigma is the preferred cloud partner of the Open Clouds for Research Environments project (OCRE), aiming to accelerate cloud adoption in the European research community. Our value offer to the GÉANT community   After being selected by GÉANT as the only cloud partner to provide OCRE vouchers to researchers as part of the preparation ...
Nginx Server featured image

Nginx Server and Location Block Selection Algorithms: Overview

Introduction Nginx is among the world’s most popular web server options. It is able to successfully deal with a multitude of simultaneous client connections. At the same time, it is functioning as a mail, web, or reverse proxy server. This guide aims to outline the behind-the-scenes methods that direct how Nginx processes client requests. We will demystify the server and …

JavaScript HTML

A Guide on Adding JavaScript to HTML

Introduction JavaScript needs no introduction. It is one of the most popular programming languages for web development. It works similar to HTML and CSS. All of these languages help design and develop web-based applications and programs. So how is JavaScript useful in particular? With the help of JavaScript, you can make your web applications and web pages quite interactive. There …