Docker Data Volumes blog post featured image

Working with Docker Data Volumes on Ubuntu 20.04

Introduction Docker Data Volumes is an important concept when containerizing your applications. Knowing this concept is vital for ensuring the best experience of your containerized application along with reliable persistence and data management. However, while this concept is important, it is also confusing and complex for many developers. It is important for developers and DevOps specialists to be able to …

Share Data Between Docker Container and Host featured image

How To Share Data Between a Docker Container and a Host

Introduction Generally, Docker containers only run for a certain period of time – the time it takes to run the command. The data that is available inside the container can only be accessed from within the container during the runtime. Docker volumes can be used for accessing the files easily and storing them for a longer period. For example, if …

Laravel featured image

Deploying Laravel, Nginx, and MySQL with Docker Compose

Introduction Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) are some of the most trending topics in software development currently. To achieve the CI/CD aspect of software architecture, developers make use of containers. Containers are lightweight, virtualized, portable, software-defined environments. In containers, the software can run in isolation of other software running on the physical host machine. The focus of this …