How To Set Up GitHub Continuous Integration Pipelines With Self-Hosted Runners on Ubuntu 22.04.

Introduction Software Engineering is a fast-paced and competitive field. Rolling out your products to users faster will give you an edge over your competitors. On the bright side, industry best practices are in place to help companies have a level playing field. Continuous Integration and Continuous Development(CICD) is an example of a strategy that leverages industry best practices to give …

Managing CSV in Node.js using Node-CSV

A CSV file is a plain text file that stores data in tabular format. In most cases, CSV files use commas (,) as the delimiter, hence the name CSV (Comma Separated Values). It’s used in situations where data compatibility is a concern as CSVs can be opened with any text editor, spreadsheet apps, and other specialized tools. In fact, many …

Using Node.js Modules with npm and package.json: A Tutorial featured image

Using Node.js Modules with npm and package.json: A Tutorial

Node.js is an open-source cross-platform Javascript runtime environment. For the last few years, it has become a popular choice for back-end web development due to its fast Input/Output (I/O) performance and unbeatable JavaScript syntax. Also, its adaptive nature allows quick customization, making this server technology stand out from its competitors. Node.js Package Manager — An Overview Node.js Package Manager or …

Smooth Scrolling in Action Using React: A Tutorial featured image

Smooth Scrolling in Action Using React: A Tutorial

React is an open-source JavaScript library used for building futuristic website designs and improving user interfaces. Due to its robustness, flexibility, and efficiency, it has outperformed its competing front-end libraries and frameworks. React provides excellent features and stand-out functionalities that facilitate customization and dynamic animation. In the list of animation collections, smooth scrolling in React helps in increasing web app …

Managing HTTP Requests and Error Handling with Angular Interceptors featured image

Managing HTTP Requests and Error Handling with Angular Interceptors

If you have been developing an application using AngularJS, you are probably aware of HTTP interceptors. However, these HTTP interceptors were not available in Angular until version 4.3. In this tutorial, we will be using interceptors in Angular to handle HTTP requests and responses, and process errors. Prerequisites Angular applications use Node.js runtime. To complete this tutorial, you will need …

Configuring a REST API with Axios in Vue.js featured image

Configuring a REST API with Axios in Vue.js: A Tutorial

Axios is a popular JavaScript library used to make HTTP requests. It is a promise-based HTTP client used in JavaScript or with other Javascript libraries like Vue.js or React.js. Due to its isomorphic nature, Axios can run on the client and server-side simultaneously using the same codebase. Also, it is a powerful tool used collectively with async to formulate a user-friendly …

Flex Layout in Angular featured image

Implementing Flex Layout in Angular: A How-To Guide

Introduction CSS Flex Layout is used to create flexible fluid layouts. However, when using Angular there are scenarios when we need more dynamic control over the layouts. Further, using CSS Flexbox requires complicated styling which can be hard for many developers. Flex Layout is a component engine that aims to solve this problem. It provides a set of directives that …

Angular Router featured image

Navigation with RouterLink, Navigate, and NavigateByUrl in Angular Router

Introduction Angular applications are very common these days. They are built with the concept of Single Page Applications (SPA). In such applications, routing across the web pages is different from traditional websites since components are used. In Angular, you need to use RouterLink for navigation to route across the application. RouterLink is a directive, and it provides Router.navigate and Router.navigateByURL

React Project featured image

Setting Up a React Project with Create React App

React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for developing front-end apps. It’s an open-source library that was originally developed by Facebook. React quickly became popular for creating fast applications with JSX – a programming paradigm that combines JavaScript with an HTML-like syntax. Previously, setting up a React project would have been a complex process. It required configuring the …

Node.js Application featured image

Connecting PostgreSQL with Node.js Applications: A Tutorial

When it comes to database management, PostgreSQL is one of the most popular open-source programs used all across the board. The CloudSigma PaaS allows you to install either a standalone or clustered PostgreSQL database for your application. Furthermore, CloudSigma PaaS makes connection configuration and scaling an absolute breeze. So how can you go about connecting your Node.js application to a …

Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL featured image

Setting up Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL

Among all the available database engines, PostgreSQL is one of the most popular ones. It’s a well-known open-source database system known for its reliability, robust features, and performance. Because PostgreSQL is a popular choice, it’s supported by almost all major web frameworks. Similar to its competitors MySQL and SQLite, PostgreSQL also has its strong and weak points. Ruby on Rails …

Ruby on Rails featured image 1

Installing Ruby on Rails with RVM on Ubuntu 20.04

Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular web app frameworks. It’s open-source software designed for developers to create successful projects while writing fewer codes. Having a fun and enjoyable development experience is one of the fundamental principles that make Ruby on Rails an attractive choice. The RVM (Ruby Version Manager) tool, as the name suggests, is a third-party …