Docker Compose on CentOS featured image

Installing Docker Compose on CentOS 7

Dockerisation has redefined the deployment and automation process in the software industry. Since its inception, the Docker team has continuously strived to make automated deployment seamless. Containerization technology does not just enable rapid application development and efficiency, but also saves time and strenuous efforts. Unbeatable functionalities such as orchestrating, defining, and running multi-container applications together make Docker a favorite pick …

PaaS cloud platform featured image

Exploring Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and its Types

PaaS stands for Platform-as-a-Service. These platforms serve to provide cloud computing services to modern businesses. However, there is no singular, one fits all definition for everyone. There are various aspects that are unique for different types of PaaS cloud solutions. Similarly, even the way we define cloud computing service models varies from case to case. Generally speaking, PaaS is a …

Docker Ecosystem featured image

What is Docker? An Overview of the Docker Ecosystem

Introduction If you dabble in the world of programming, then you may be familiar with the term ‘containerization’. If not, containerization is a process that helps make applications more manageable. It works by allowing the programmer to distribute applications in organic, portable packages. Each package is lightweight and isolated, complete with its own environment. These individual packages are known as …