Auto-Clustering CloudSigma PaaS featured image

Improving Database Availability and Performance: MariaDB/MySQL Auto-Clustering with Load Balancing and Replication

High data availability and consistently good performance are a necessity for modern applications. Database clusterization makes this a possibility. Clusterization is, however, a complex process that requires a lot of experience and expertise. To simplify the task and make it achievable, CloudSigma PaaS allows its users to access auto-clustering for MariaDB/MySQL. In this guide, we will discuss why database clusterization …

Occopus cloud management

OCCOPUS – a Powerful Interface for Orchestrating Infrastructure in the Cloud

CloudSigma is currently participating in a Horizon 2020 research and innovation project called COLA (Cloud Orchestration at the Level of Application). You can read a general overview of the COLA project here, or visit the official project website here. CloudSigma’s primary contribution to the project is to manage the testbed and production of cloud infrastructure and to provide expertise into …