MariaDB-as-a-Service in Jelastic Cloud Platform featured image

Using MariaDB-as-a-Service on the CloudSigma PaaS Platform

MariaDB has been a prominent name in the world of hosting for a long time now. CloudSigma PaaS combines the best practices of MariaDB hosting and analysis on our platform in the form of CloudSigma MariaDB-as-a-Service. This service is designed to automate the technical aspect of the process and allow you to use a ready-to-work solution at a moment’s notice. …

Auto-Clustering CloudSigma PaaS featured image

Improving Database Availability and Performance: MariaDB/MySQL Auto-Clustering with Load Balancing and Replication

High data availability and consistently good performance are a necessity for modern applications. Database clusterization makes this a possibility. Clusterization is, however, a complex process that requires a lot of experience and expertise. To simplify the task and make it achievable, CloudSigma PaaS allows its users to access auto-clustering for MariaDB/MySQL. In this guide, we will discuss why database clusterization …