How to Configure MongoDB Replication and Automated Failover featured image

How to Configure MongoDB Replication and Automated Failover

A replica set is defined as a database cluster of multiple nodes with replication and automated failover configured between them. To make sure the PRIMARY database is elected correctly, it is important to have an odd number of members in the set (including or excluding the Arbiter node).  The selected database is responsible for all the major tasks. It processes …

GitLab for Managing Projects featured image

Using GitLab for Managing Projects

Introduction GitLab offers a very convenient way to work with remote repositories on centralized servers. Anyone coming from GitHub or any other tool might consider that there are many other tools offering this service. However, use cases differ from team to team. GitLab’s main advantage is that you get complete control over your repositories and setting permissions. In this tutorial, …

Import Packages in Go featured image

How to Import Packages in Go

Go (also known as Golang) is an open-source, statically typed programming language. It was originally developed by Google. Some notable features of Go include simplicity, high performance, readability, and efficiency. Like any other prominent programming language, the standard library of Go offers a rich set of packages. However, we can also extend the functionalities by incorporating third-party packages. This guide …

Enabling and Connecting the Django Admin Interface featured image

Enabling and Connecting the Django Admin Interface

Django is a popular, free, and open-source web application framework built on Python. It strives to streamline web app development. Django comes with a solid set of components to develop websites faster and easier. In our series of articles on Django, we have been exploring how to use Django with a demo app. In this guide, we will build on …

Corrupted Tables in MySQL featured image

Quick Solutions to Repair Corrupted Tables in MySQL: A Tutorial

MySQL is one of the most popular open-source RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems). It is an integral part of the rapidly growing LAMP Stack and has gained impressive fandom among developers and system admins. Compared to non-relational databases, SQL provides excellent functionalities to arrange, store, and manage data effectively. The distinguishing table arrangement functionalities and stand-out capabilities of the SQL …

Writing Packages in Go

In Go programming, packages are one of the most powerful features. Packages help maintain a large number of programs by grouping them together into single units. This makes code maintenance much easier. This modular approach also allows better code sharing and reuse. In this guide, we will learn about writing our own Go packages and implementing them in our projects. …

Managing HTTP Requests and Error Handling with Angular Interceptors featured image

Managing HTTP Requests and Error Handling with Angular Interceptors

If you have been developing an application using AngularJS, you are probably aware of HTTP interceptors. However, these HTTP interceptors were not available in Angular until version 4.3. In this tutorial, we will be using interceptors in Angular to handle HTTP requests and responses, and process errors. Prerequisites Angular applications use Node.js runtime. To complete this tutorial, you will need …

LAMP with Ansible featured image

Installing and Configuring LAMP on Ubuntu 20.04 with Ansible

Server automation is a secure and reliable process of managing and monitoring servers in an effective and tech-savvy way. Unlike the traditional style of managing servers at data centers controlled by a dedicated team of experts, all servers are managed using automation. As a result, human errors are minimized. Configuration management tools like Ansible, Puppet, Terraform, to name a few, …

Creating Drag and Drop Elements with Pure, Vanilla JavaScript featured image

Creating Drag and Drop Elements with Pure, Vanilla JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages empowered with more than 24 frameworks and around 84 libraries. It is the only programming language intrinsically supported by all browsers. Besides, the language supports dynamic typing and is an excellent fit for rendering and animation. You can leverage JavaScript to add interactive behavior in the front-end, control the backend, create …

Go Web Application featured image

Deploying a Go Web Application using Nginx on Ubuntu 22.04

Go is an open-source general-purpose programming language. It was inspired by the productivity of Python while offering the ability of C. It was originally developed by Google to tackle issues they were facing with their codebase (code complexity and long compilation time). Like any other modern-day programming language, Go is suitable for all sorts of purposes. For example, it could …

Feature imagePublic-IP-for-Access-to-Kubernetes-Application-in-Jelastic-PaaS

Exploring CloudSigma PaaS: How to Access Kubernetes Application via Public IP

CloudSigma PaaS allows users to expose their applications using a public IP address. This address needs to be attached to a node from the Kubernetes cluster environment. There are two ways to achieve this in the CloudSigma PaaS environment: One way is to attach the public IP to a dedicated load balancer. Another way is to attach the public IP …

Parallax Scrolling Effect with Pure CSS featured image

Creating a Parallax Scrolling Effect with Pure CSS

Modern CSS has redefined web development with its powerful functionalities and extraordinary capabilities. CSS is a one-size-fits-all tool that offers standout options to make web pages highly interactive and enticing. Be it the flexibility in design, rapid customization, excellent styling options, or the advanced User Interface (UI) — CSS brings end-to-end solutions for all web development and styling needs. Above …