CSS and HTML featured image

Setting Up CSS and HTML for Your Website: A Tutorial

Building websites is the initial step of getting started with web development. One of the first things web development enthusiasts must learn is how to set up CSS and HTML for a website. By setting up the basic introductory page, a beginner can get ready with the website design basics, hone their web development skills, and learn to collaborate with …

Smooth Scrolling in Action Using React: A Tutorial featured image

Smooth Scrolling in Action Using React: A Tutorial

React is an open-source JavaScript library used for building futuristic website designs and improving user interfaces. Due to its robustness, flexibility, and efficiency, it has outperformed its competing front-end libraries and frameworks. React provides excellent features and stand-out functionalities that facilitate customization and dynamic animation. In the list of animation collections, smooth scrolling in React helps in increasing web app …

Creating Drag and Drop Elements with Pure, Vanilla JavaScript featured image

Creating Drag and Drop Elements with Pure, Vanilla JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages empowered with more than 24 frameworks and around 84 libraries. It is the only programming language intrinsically supported by all browsers. Besides, the language supports dynamic typing and is an excellent fit for rendering and animation. You can leverage JavaScript to add interactive behavior in the front-end, control the backend, create …

Parallax Scrolling Effect with Pure CSS featured image

Creating a Parallax Scrolling Effect with Pure CSS

Modern CSS has redefined web development with its powerful functionalities and extraordinary capabilities. CSS is a one-size-fits-all tool that offers standout options to make web pages highly interactive and enticing. Be it the flexibility in design, rapid customization, excellent styling options, or the advanced User Interface (UI) — CSS brings end-to-end solutions for all web development and styling needs. Above …

Flex Layout in Angular featured image

Implementing Flex Layout in Angular: A How-To Guide

Introduction CSS Flex Layout is used to create flexible fluid layouts. However, when using Angular there are scenarios when we need more dynamic control over the layouts. Further, using CSS Flexbox requires complicated styling which can be hard for many developers. Flex Layout is a component engine that aims to solve this problem. It provides a set of directives that …

Node.js app install on Ubuntu featured image

How to Deploy a Node.js (Express.js) App with Docker on Ubuntu 20.04

Introduction Docker is a container platform that is a lightweight, virtualized, portable, software-defined standardized environment. It allows the software to run in isolation from other software running on the physical host machine. Docker is a defining component of the Continuous Development and Integration aspect of Software Development. It offers a lightweight alternative to virtual machines and allows developers to enjoy …