Sudoers File featured image

Configuring the Linux Sudoers File

Introduction Do you ever wonder why you must type “sudo” while trying to execute certain commands in a Linux or Unix Operating System environment? Sudo is actually an abbreviation, standing for “super-user do”. When you use the sudo command, you can run programs and execute commands with the security privileges of another user. By default, the sudo command allows system …

security measures featured image

How to Build Robust Security Measures to Protect Your Servers

Introduction When working on cloud infrastructure, your primary concern is making sure your applications are fully operational. One important inclusion of your setup and deployment process is to build effective, thorough, and robust security measures into your apps or systems before they are offered to the public. Instead of retroactively implementing security measures post-deployment, it is important to ensure that …

Laravel featured image

Deploying Laravel, Nginx, and MySQL with Docker Compose

Introduction Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) are some of the most trending topics in software development currently. To achieve the CI/CD aspect of software architecture, developers make use of containers. Containers are lightweight, virtualized, portable, software-defined environments. In containers, the software can run in isolation of other software running on the physical host machine. The focus of this …

Manage Processes in Linux- a Guide on Using ps, kill, and nice

Introduction When most of us use computers, we run various applications. These applications are run by programs called servers or operating systems. There are many different kinds of servers that work in different ways. One of them is Linux. Linux runs applications in the form of processes. In Linux, we refer to each application as a ‘process’. The server is …

Apache Nginx featured image

The World of Web Servers: Apache vs. Nginx

Introduction to Apache and Nginx Web servers and protocols are designed to enable users to view web pages. They send a request to view a document that is accepted by the server. The host then essentially serves the document or information to the viewer. The web server plays a central role in letting you view and access web pages on …

OpenSSL featured image

OpenSSL Essentials: Working with Private Keys, Certificate Signing Requests, and SSL Certificates

OpenSSL is an open-source cryptography library that includes a variety of commands used in the TLS Protocol and Public Key Infrastructure. OpenSSL was released in 1998 and is available for Windows, Linux, macOS, and BSD systems. The OpenSSL command will help you perform various tasks including Certificate Signing Request (CSR), private keys generation, and SSL certification. OpenSSL is important because …

UFW featured image

The Basics of UFW: Learning the Essential Firewall Commands 

Introduction UFW stands for uncomplicated firewall. It is a frontend platform that enables you to easily manage your firewall functions and commands. You get UFW as a default option with your Ubuntu server. Maximizing the potential of the commands and functions of the firewall can be difficult if you are not already familiar with the tool. Our goal is to …


Configuring Your Linux Server to Use SSH Key-Based Authentication

SSH on a Linux Server SSH, also known as secure shell, is a protocol that can be used to connect and communicate with a server. You can connect to your Linux server for a terminal session using this encrypted protocol. If you are using an OpenSSH server, there are primarily two different ways you can go about the authentication process. …

Locating files featured image

Locating Files on your Linux VPS System with Whereis, Which, Whatis, Readlink and Find

Introduction The Linux system is filе-bаѕеd. This means that when you work long еnоugh with it, уоu mау find уоurѕеlf not knowing where a сеrtаin filе rеѕidеѕ. Therefore, it will be useful to know how to quickly and efficiently locate the files you need at any given moment. This will increase your performance and save you a lot of time. …

Environmental and Shell Variables

How to Read and Set Environmental and Shell Variables on a Linux VPS

The majority of the tech community enjoys interacting with systems through the command-line interface (CMD) or shell. Generally, it makes their work easier. For instance, you can create a shell command that can execute several tasks automatically as opposed to having to click through several buttons of a GUI. When you launch a shell or CMD program, it compiles several …

SFTP featured image

How to Ensure Security While Transferring Files With The Help Of SFTP

When you need to transfer data and files between two computers, there are two protocols that can finish the job. Тhe typically used method is the FTP or the File Transfer Protocol. However, rising concerns over the security of data moved from one device to another have encouraged the use of SFTP. SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol. It …