firewall featured image blog post

Configuring a Firewall with UFW on Ubuntu 18.04

A firewall is one of the core components of securing a system. It’s responsible for managing the incoming and outgoing connections over the network. It’s the primary line of defense for your servers and data. This is why it’s paramount to have a well-configured firewall. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps of setting up a firewall …


Setting up a UFW on Ubuntu and Debian Cloud Server

Introduction We all know that computer security is essential for protecting your data. If a hacker was to find their way into your server, they can cause some serious damage. To make sure this doesn’t happen, you need to employ the appropriate security measures. The first line of defense that any incoming threat would encounter in a safeguarded system would …

UFW featured image

The Basics of UFW: Learning the Essential Firewall Commands 

Introduction UFW stands for uncomplicated firewall. It is a frontend platform that enables you to easily manage your firewall functions and commands. You get UFW as a default option with your Ubuntu server. Maximizing the potential of the commands and functions of the firewall can be difficult if you are not already familiar with the tool. Our goal is to …