create a kubernetes cluster

How To Create a Kubernetes Cluster Using Kubeadm on Ubuntu 18.04

This tutorial will guide you on setting up a Kubernetes cluster from scratch using Ansible and Kubeadm and further deploying a containerized Nginx application with it. Introduction Kubernetes (also known as k8s or “kube”) is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates many of the manual processes involved in deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications. Kubernetes has a rapidly growing …

JavaScript Prototype featured image

Working with JavaScript: How Prototypes and Inheritances Operate

Introduction JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages. If you know anything about computer programming, you have probably heard of JavaScript. If you dig into a little more detail, you will discover that JavaScript is a prototype-based language. This means that you can use general objects to share object properties and methods. You can clone or even extend …

PaaS pree release featured image

Elevate your cloud experience with CloudSigma’s new turnkey PaaS solution

Geneva, Switzerland – April 2021– CloudSigma is excited to announce the launch of a new turnkey Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution on top of our powerful cloud infrastructure.  CloudSigma’s PaaS offering allows developers, IT consultants, and system integrators to easily set up their applications as the configuration and environment provisioning can be managed with extreme simplicity. Our new PaaS solution is ideal …

Nginx with Let's Encrypt featured image

How to Secure Nginx with Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04

Having a secure website is vital to ensuring a reputable online presence for any business. Website security should be among your top concerns especially if you are transferring sensitive data between your website and your website visitors. A simple Google search of ‘how to secure a website’ will bring you several directives. One of the top results is an SSL …

Let’s Encrypt

Securing Apache with Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 18.04

Website and data security are topics that cannot be taken lightly. Highly sensitive information which includes financial records and customers’ private information is always in transit between the user’s computer and your website. When you consider this fact, it’s not hard to see why unsecured websites could result in a breach that could seriously damage your business. There are a …


Installing and Securing phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 18.04

MySQL is an open-source RDBMS based on SQL queries. It’s easy to use, secure, free, and open-source (under the GNU license). In addition, it is highly flexible, memory efficient, and high-performance. Because of all these features, MySQL finds its way in even the top-tier industries. When working with MySQL, most of the time, the interactions occur through the MySQL CLI …

LAMP Stack featured image

How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on CentOS 7

LAMP is an acronym of a very popular web stack – Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. All of the four components of LAMP are open-sourced and are suitable to deploy dynamic websites and web applications. In this tutorial,  we will walk you through setting up a cloud server with the LAMP stack. LAMP Stack: L – Linux L in LAMP stands for …

install Anaconda tutorial

How to Install Anaconda on Ubuntu 18.04 in Six Simple Steps

Introduction Anaconda is an open-source package manager and framework for handling machine learning and data science workflows. It also helps to distribute some programming languages ​​like Python and R. With over 7500 different scientific data packages, Anaconda helps process large-scale data, scientific computing, and predictive analysis. This package is available as a free and paid version. In this tutorial, we …


How to Install and Configure VNC on Ubuntu 18.04

VNC (Virtual Network Computing ) allows you to use your server just like you use your computer- with the graphical user interface (GUI),  desktop, and your mouse and keyboard. It makes computing easier for users who are new to working on a server. Cloudsigma allows you to access VNC straight after creating the server. Along with that, in this tutorial, …

install Node.js on Ubuntu

How to install Node.js on Ubuntu 18.04

Node.js is an open-source platform that allows programmers to build dynamic web pages and applications. It is used widely for server-side scripting and allows users to use JavaScript for both client and server-side scripts. In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Node.js on Ubuntu 18.04 and get started with it. Prerequisites First, you have to create a machine. …

setup java

How to setup Java on Ubuntu 18.04

Most of the devices we use run on JAVA. Therefore, in this CloudSigma tutorial, you will learn how to setup JAVA on Ubuntu 18.04 server. JVM (JAVA Virtual Machine) is required to run various kinds of software like Jenkins, Tomcat, etc. In addition, JAVA Development Kit (JDK) is used to compile and run some specific JAVA Based Softwares. Using the …