install Anaconda tutorial

How to Install Anaconda on Ubuntu 18.04 in Six Simple Steps


Anaconda is an open-source package manager and framework for handling machine learning and data science workflows. It also helps to distribute some programming languages ​​like Python and R. With over 7500 different scientific data packages, Anaconda helps process large-scale data, scientific computing, and predictive analysis. This package is available as a free and paid version.

In this tutorial, we will be looking at how to install Anaconda on Ubuntu 18.04,  activate and test installation, and set up Anaconda environments.

Are you ready? Let’s start!

Step 1:  Download Anaconda

First, we need to download the latest stable version of Anaconda. Go to the Anaconda download page using this link to retrieve the latest version of Anaconda. After that, go to your server as a sudo non-root user and change to /tmp directory to download the Anaconda bash script. Next, download the link you copied earlier from the Anaconda website using curl:

Step 2: Check the Integrity of the Installer Data

The next step is to check the integrity of the installer data with the hash encryption check, using the command:

You will see an output similar to this once you run the command:

Next, you need to check if your output is part of the hashes available on the Anaconda documentation page. You can go to the next step if it is the same as the hash on this page. However, if you went with another version, check the documentation to verify that version checksum.

Step 3: Run the Script

Then, go ahead and run the script using this command:

You should see an output similar to this once you run the command:


After that, select the ENTER button to continue and then click ENTER to read the license terms. You will be asked to approve these terms:

If you agree to the terms, write yes.

Step 4: Finalize the Installation Process

Now, you will be asked to choose the perfect location for installation. Press ENTER to accept the default location or select a different location you want to include. You will see an output similar to this if you have followed this guide closely:


The Anaconda installation will now resume. You should bear in mind that the process will take some time to complete.

Note: User-location represents the default location or the location you chose in the installation process above.

You will see an output like this on successful completion of the installation:

Step 5: Activate and Test Installation

To activate the installation, type the following command:

To test the installation, type the conda command below:

The system will display all the available packages via the Anaconda installation.

It will display something similar to this:

Step 6: Set Up Anaconda Environments

To set up Anaconda environments, you will make use of the conda command. For example, to create a Python 3 environment named user_environment, type the following command:

Next, activate the new environment using this command:

The command prompt will change to show that you are in an active Anaconda environment. You can now work in this environment.


We have come to the end of this tutorial. By now, you should know how to install Anaconda using the conda command utility to set up Anaconda environments, download the latest Anaconda version, verifying the data integrity of the installer, and activate and test installation.

Happy Computing!