Docker Data Volumes blog post featured image

Working with Docker Data Volumes on Ubuntu 20.04

Introduction Docker Data Volumes is an important concept when containerizing your applications. Knowing this concept is vital for ensuring the best experience of your containerized application along with reliable persistence and data management. However, while this concept is important, it is also confusing and complex for many developers. It is important for developers and DevOps specialists to be able to …

Kubernetes with Helm featured image

Installing Software on Kubernetes with Helm 3 Package Manager on Windows

A If you are coming from a development background, you are probably aware of the Package Manager term. Package Managers allow you to install dependencies, upgrade and downgrade versions, and so on. In this tutorial, we will look at a very popular package manager for Kubernetes, called Helm. Helm assists in managing Kubernetes applications. With Helm, you can define a …

Flask Application with Docker featured image

Build and Deploy a Flask Application with Docker on Ubuntu 20.04

Introduction Docker is an open-source container platform. It is a lightweight, virtualized, portable, software-defined standardized environment that allows the software to run in isolation from other software running on the physical host machine. Docker offers a lightweight alternative to virtual machines. At the same time, it provides portability, performance, agility, and scalability of applications. For a comprehensive guide about the …

Containers and Virtual Machines featured image

Using a Singular Platform to Host and Manage Containers and Virtual Machines with CloudSigma

Both virtual machine (VM) technology and container technology are crucial for cloud computing. These are virtualization tools that are designed to make the cloud hosting environment much more portable and user-friendly. Each of these technologies has its unique characteristics that determine its specific pros and cons. However, in recent years more and more companies have started to turn towards containerization. …


Getting to Know Kubernetes

Container Technology and Docker The idea of using containers for deployment in an application environment is not new. People have been using it for several years and with much success. With the help of containers, developers are able to isolate an application’s coding and configuration in an executable package. This prevents needless interference and hangups that would only slow down …