Using CloudSigma PaaS to Shift Java Applications into Containers featured image

Using CloudSigma PaaS to Shift Java Applications into Containers

For the longest time, application development and management were completely dependent upon physical infrastructure. As businesses looked to host multiple applications on a singular hardware system, virtualization solutions like hypervisors were introduced. A hypervisor, also known as a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), is software that creates and runs Virtual Machines (VMs). The hypervisor will allocate resources to each guest or …

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Cloud Computing and the Right-Sizing Problem: What is it and How to Solve it?

Cloud Computing The internet has become the center of not just an average individual’s life, but also the business industry. There are hardly any sizable modern businesses that are not utilizing some form of digital or online technology to execute their strategies and achieve their goals.  In fact, many small and medium-sized businesses are also looking to leverage the sheer …

Zero Code Change deploy featured image

Facilitating Migration Across Cloud Platforms with Zero Code Change Deploy and No Vendor Lock-In: CloudSigma PaaS Guide

Vendor Lock-In Migration When it comes to making web-based applications, a lot of PaaS providers tend to make their developers use the Twelve-Factor App methodology. Other services will require you to build your application while keeping the requirements of immutable infrastructure, or proprietary runtimes and APIs in mind. In case you ever need to migrate from virtual machines to containers, …

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Using a Singular Platform to Host and Manage Containers and Virtual Machines with CloudSigma

Both virtual machine (VM) technology and container technology are crucial for cloud computing. These are virtualization tools that are designed to make the cloud hosting environment much more portable and user-friendly. Each of these technologies has its unique characteristics that determine its specific pros and cons. However, in recent years more and more companies have started to turn towards containerization. …