Git Branches featured image

Using Git Branches: A Tutorial

Git is an open-source version control system (VCS) that can handle projects of every size. This DevOps tool is free and open-source (Git source code on GitHub). It tracks changes in the source code, allowing multiple developers to work in sync on a non-linear development. Git was first introduced back in 2005 by Linus Torvalds. This guide will showcase how …

Flexible Cloud Platform at an Affordable Price ORCA success story

CloudSigma Empowers Swiss Software Development Company with a Flexible Cloud Platform at an Affordable Price

Customer Profile The ORCA Services AG was founded in 2005, but the company has been on the market since 1987. At that time the ORCA Services AG was still part of ORCA Solution AG with which it currently forms the ORCA Group. Group-wide, more than 40 employees support end customers in the areas of software development, e-commerce, consulting, HR consulting, …

Using CloudSigma PaaS to Shift Java Applications into Containers featured image

Using CloudSigma PaaS to Shift Java Applications into Containers

For the longest time, application development and management were completely dependent upon physical infrastructure. As businesses looked to host multiple applications on a singular hardware system, virtualization solutions like hypervisors were introduced. A hypervisor, also known as a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), is software that creates and runs Virtual Machines (VMs). The hypervisor will allocate resources to each guest or …


JavaScript Tools: localStorage and sessionStorage

JavaScript (often abbreviated as JS) is one of the foundations of the modern web infrastructure. It’s a lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented programming language that supports first-class functions. JavaScript is mostly known for its implementation in dynamic web pages. Because of its features, however, JavaScript is also used in non-browser environments. In this guide, we will discuss in detail two JavaScript objects: …

Swap Space featured image

Adding Swap Space on Ubuntu 20.04: A Tutorial

Adding swap space to your server is an excellent option to compensate for out-of-memory errors. Linux allows users to add swap space in their system when the amount of RAM in the system is full. When you create a dedicated space partition, you will allow your physical memory to run smoothly without much worrying about low disk space. Swap Overview …

Flex Layout in Angular featured image

Implementing Flex Layout in Angular: A How-To Guide

Introduction CSS Flex Layout is used to create flexible fluid layouts. However, when using Angular there are scenarios when we need more dynamic control over the layouts. Further, using CSS Flexbox requires complicated styling which can be hard for many developers. Flex Layout is a component engine that aims to solve this problem. It provides a set of directives that …

Redis Server post featured image

Setting Up a Redis Server as a Session Handler for PHP on Ubuntu 20.04

Redis is an open-source in-memory cache and storage system, also referred to as a data structure server. It offers advanced support for several data types, such as hashes, lists, sets, bitmaps, and many more. Because of its excellent performance, Redis finds its popularity in leading industries and top MNCs. Benefits of Redis When it comes to speed, there is no …

JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify() featured image

A Tutorial on Working with JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify()

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is used to describe JavaScript objects. It is a data-sharing format that specifies data values using key-value pairs. The JSON object is supported across all major browsers. This tutorial requires that you are familiar with JavaScript and working with the JSON object. To get familiar with JSON, you can take a look at …

Port Forwarding featured image

Forwarding Ports with Iptables in Linux: A How-To Guide

Port forwarding also referred to as port mapping, is a method for allowing remote devices to connect to a specific service within your private local-area network (LAN). As the name suggests, the process involves forwarding requests for a specific port to another port or network. It modifies the destination of the packet in-flight and is considered a type of network …

Kubernetes DNS service featured image

Kubernetes DNS Service: A Beginner’s Guide

Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and managing containerized applications. Its portability, flexibility, and automatic scaling capabilities make it an extensively used system. Above all the standout features, the option to create DNS records for services and pods makes it unbeatable from other software systems. Kubernetes DNS service allows you to contact …

Generating SSH Key Pairs with PuTTY featured image

Generating SSH Key Pairs with PuTTY to Connect to a VPS

Security is a prime consideration for server admins, especially when there is a need to access servers remotely at regular intervals. Protection from cyber-attacks is of crucial importance to streamline workflows and to ensure business continuity. The standard practice of using a username and password is highly insecure, unsafe, and ineffective. You need a robust and advanced method like SSH …

Overview of DNS Terminologies, Components, and Concepts featured image

Overview of DNS Terminologies, Components, and Concepts

DNS (Domain Name System) is one of the crucial components driving the internet. Having a proper understanding of how DNS works can help diagnose problems with website configuration and broaden your understanding of what’s going on behind the scenes. In this guide, we’ll talk about some fundamental concepts of DNS to provide you with a solid ground while working with …