Removing Spaces in Python

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language with emphasis on code readability. It supports various programming paradigms, for example, structured, object-oriented, and functional programming. Oftentimes, Python is described as “batteries included”, thanks to its comprehensive standard library. In this guide, we are going to learn various ways of removing whitespaces from a string in Python. Prerequisites To perform the steps …

How To Set Up GitHub Continuous Integration Pipelines With Self-Hosted Runners on Ubuntu 22.04.

Introduction Software Engineering is a fast-paced and competitive field. Rolling out your products to users faster will give you an edge over your competitors. On the bright side, industry best practices are in place to help companies have a level playing field. Continuous Integration and Continuous Development(CICD) is an example of a strategy that leverages industry best practices to give …

How to Deploy WordPress with Persistent Volume on Kubernetes Cluster

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems used to deploy blogs and websites on the internet. It is also available as a Docker image on the DockerHub registry. You can use this Docker image to build a reliable and scalable website platform on the Kubernetes cluster. Deploying WordPress on Kubernetes will help you to implement CI/CD pipeline …

Data sovereignty approach requires careful consideration of the laws and regulations

Data sovereignty refers to the concept of a country or region’s right to exercise jurisdiction and control over data generated within its borders. As data becomes increasingly valuable and essential for businesses to operate in today’s digital world, data sovereignty has emerged as an important issue. However, this has also given rise to concerns regarding the security and privacy of …

Architecting Applications for Kubernetes: A Comprehensive Guide

Kubernetes has emerged as the leading container orchestration platform, enabling organisations to build, deploy, and manage containerised applications at scale. With Kubernetes, you can streamline the deployment process, optimise resource utilisation, and ensure high application availability. However, to make the most of Kubernetes, it’s crucial to design applications effectively from the ground up. In this blog post, we’ll explore various …

Managing CSV in Node.js using Node-CSV

A CSV file is a plain text file that stores data in tabular format. In most cases, CSV files use commas (,) as the delimiter, hence the name CSV (Comma Separated Values). It’s used in situations where data compatibility is a concern as CSVs can be opened with any text editor, spreadsheet apps, and other specialized tools. In fact, many …

is kubernetes right for me?

Is Kubernetes Right for Me? Choosing the Best Deployment Platform for your Business

When running a business, any decision made is under scrutiny. Considering Kubernetes for managing your business infrastructure needs may sound effortless and tech-savvy, but choosing the best deployment platform is utterly strenuous. Unlike every business, you have unique goals and objectives aligned for your business, and selecting the deployment model will significantly impact time, effort, and overall performance. Understanding Kubernetes …

How To Enable, Create and Use the .htaccess File: A Tutorial

A .htaccess file or a distributed configuration file is a robust file used to control and manage the configurations of a website. All the configuration changes are made on a per-directory basis to ensure that the main server configuration files are undisturbed. When to Use .htaccess File Preferred Whether you aim to load error pages or implement password security, a …

Containerize A Python App using Docker

Docker is a free and open-source solution for developing, deploying, and managing apps in lightweight, OS-level virtualization. In this guide, we will demonstrate creating a Python app within a Docker container. Prerequisites To perform the steps demonstrated in this guide, you will need the following components: A Linux system. Check out configuring your own Ubuntu VPS on CloudSigma. The latest …

Cloud Provider of tomorrow

The cloud provider of tomorrow will be a company that can offer a seamless, secure, and scalable cloud infrastructure that can support the rapidly growing demands of businesses and individuals worldwide. Here are some key characteristics that such a provider might have: Advanced Automation: Automation will be a key part of cloud providers’ offerings in the future. Automated provisioning, configuration …

SOLID: The First 5 Principles of Object-Oriented Design?

SOLID: The First 5 Principles of Object-Oriented Design?

Introduction SOLID is a mnemonic acronym for five principles of object-oriented design that were introduced by Robert C. Martin, who is popularly referred to as Uncle Bob. These principles are intended to help software designers, architects, engineers, and developers create more flexible, maintainable, and scalable software. By following these principles, you can design classes that are easier to test, refactor, …

RISER: RISC-V for cloud services

You may have noticed quite a lot of buzz around RISC-V in tech news over the last few years. There are a few reasons for this, but first of all, what is this RISC-V thing anyway?! RISC-V  is an open standard instruction set architecture (ISA) that’s starting to gain in popularity to the point it’s now considered a viable alternative …