Go Programs featured image

Building and Installing Go Programs

Go is a statically typed programming language. Originally designed by Google, Go shares similarities with C in terms of syntaxes. However, in functionality, Go comes with additional features like memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing, etc. Over the past few years, Go has been gaining incredible popularity. This guide will go over the steps of building and installing Go programs …

Mail Server Configuration featured image

Mail Server Configuration Tutorial: How to Use Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL, and SpamAssassin

Introduction On Ubuntu 20.04, you can use tools like Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL, and SpamAssassin to configure a mail server. The process can be confusing for someone attempting it for the first time. This tutorial aims to simplify the mail server configuration process for you with detailed steps. At the end of this tutorial, you will know how to add virtual …

Auto-Clustering CloudSigma PaaS featured image

Improving Database Availability and Performance: MariaDB/MySQL Auto-Clustering with Load Balancing and Replication

High data availability and consistently good performance are a necessity for modern applications. Database clusterization makes this a possibility. Clusterization is, however, a complex process that requires a lot of experience and expertise. To simplify the task and make it achievable, CloudSigma PaaS allows its users to access auto-clustering for MariaDB/MySQL. In this guide, we will discuss why database clusterization …

Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL featured image

Setting up Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL

Among all the available database engines, PostgreSQL is one of the most popular ones. It’s a well-known open-source database system known for its reliability, robust features, and performance. Because PostgreSQL is a popular choice, it’s supported by almost all major web frameworks. Similar to its competitors MySQL and SQLite, PostgreSQL also has its strong and weak points. Ruby on Rails …

Django Models featured image

Creating Django Models: A Tutorial

Django is a well-known web framework for the rapid development of secure and maintainable websites and web apps. Built using Python, Django simplifies web development, allowing more time and focus on writing apps without reinventing the wheel every single time. Django is a free and open-source project with robust official documentation, great community support, and plenty of free and paid-for …

Docker Compose on CentOS featured image

Installing Docker Compose on CentOS 7

Dockerisation has redefined the deployment and automation process in the software industry. Since its inception, the Docker team has continuously strived to make automated deployment seamless. Containerization technology does not just enable rapid application development and efficiency, but also saves time and strenuous efforts. Unbeatable functionalities such as orchestrating, defining, and running multi-container applications together make Docker a favorite pick …

Python Modules featured image

Writing Modules in Python 3: A Tutorial

Introduction Python is one of the most commonly used programming languages across the world. Modules are a critical part of the Python code. A module is simply a .py file in the context of Python 3. This means that you can refer to any Python file as a module. It is possible for you to obtain these modules through the …

Python indexing and slicing featured image

Python 3 Tutorial: Indexing and Slicing Strings

Introduction Python is one of the most popular programming languages across the world. It uses a data type that comprises sequences made up of individual characters. These characters may be letters, numbers, symbols, or whitespace characters. Other types of sequence-based data types include lists and tuples. Just like them, you can also access, index, and slice strings in Python. In …

Wordpress container featured image

How to Use an Elastic Standalone Container to Host WordPress with CloudSigma PaaS

In this tutorial, we will be discussing how you can install WordPress inside a standalone elastic container in order to make the solution even more cost-effective and lightweight than it already is. The WordPress Standalone package can be installed very easily through the CloudSigma PaaS platform. This means that with a single click, you can supplement your small and medium-sized …

Python 3 parameters featured image

Using *args and **kwargs Parameters in your Code: a Python 3 Tutorial

Introduction Python is one of the most popular programming languages worldwide. In Python, parameters are a part of function definitions. They enable you to specify certain arguments for a function. The argument can be accepted and applied by the function. However, it is not possible for you to know at the time of coding what exact use cases may be …

PostgreSQL Clustering featured image

Using Asynchronous Primary-Secondary Replication by PostgreSQL for Auto-Clustering

Data is arguably the most important component of any website or application. If you are the owner of a website or an app, you must ensure that you are able to provide your users with adequate data security, accessibility, and availability within a dynamically changing environment. One of the ways to do this is to use multiple servers working in …

install Java featured image

Installing Java on CentOS and Fedora

In the world of programming, Java has been one of the top programming languages. Java is a high-level programming language that follows the concept of object-oriented programming systems. It’s also a platform-independent language that generates cross-platform applications. Java is everywhere – banking and transactions, web frameworks, games (Minecraft), and even mobile operating systems (Android). In this guide, we will walk …