Kubernetes DNS service featured image

Kubernetes DNS Service: A Beginner’s Guide

Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and managing containerized applications. Its portability, flexibility, and automatic scaling capabilities make it an extensively used system. Above all the standout features, the option to create DNS records for services and pods makes it unbeatable from other software systems. Kubernetes DNS service allows you to contact …

Generating SSH Key Pairs with PuTTY featured image

Generating SSH Key Pairs with PuTTY to Connect to a VPS

Security is a prime consideration for server admins, especially when there is a need to access servers remotely at regular intervals. Protection from cyber-attacks is of crucial importance to streamline workflows and to ensure business continuity. The standard practice of using a username and password is highly insecure, unsafe, and ineffective. You need a robust and advanced method like SSH …

Overview of DNS Terminologies, Components, and Concepts featured image

Overview of DNS Terminologies, Components, and Concepts

DNS (Domain Name System) is one of the crucial components driving the internet. Having a proper understanding of how DNS works can help diagnose problems with website configuration and broaden your understanding of what’s going on behind the scenes. In this guide, we’ll talk about some fundamental concepts of DNS to provide you with a solid ground while working with …

Functions in Python featured image

Defining Functions in Python 3: A Tutorial

In programming, a function is described as a block of instructions that can perform a certain action. A function is generally re-usable. Using functions makes the code more modular. It also opens up the opportunity of re-using the code over and over again in the future. Python is a robust programming language that supports functions. It already comes with a …

Docker Data Volumes blog post featured image

Working with Docker Data Volumes on Ubuntu 20.04

Introduction Docker Data Volumes is an important concept when containerizing your applications. Knowing this concept is vital for ensuring the best experience of your containerized application along with reliable persistence and data management. However, while this concept is important, it is also confusing and complex for many developers. It is important for developers and DevOps specialists to be able to …

Jenkins on Kubernetes featured image

Installing Jenkins on Kubernetes

Continuous Integration and Continuous Development is now a standard way of deployment. Also called CI/CD, it creates pipelines to automate testing, deployment, integrating code, and reporting. While there are many tools available in the market, both free and open-source, in this tutorial, we will be installing Jenkins on Kubernetes. Jenkins is one of the most popular CI/CD tools used for …

Using HTTP client Axios in a React Application featured image

Using HTTP client Axios in a React Application: A Tutorial

Many web apps face the necessity of interfacing with a REST API at some point in their development. For React-based web apps, we can use Axios, a lightweight HTTP client based on the $http service within Angular.js v1.x. The features are similar to JavaScript’s native Fetch API. Axios is promise-based, allowing us the ability to incorporate JavaScript’s async and await


Ensuring Safe VPN Access with Private OpenVPN: How to Install and Get Started

The importance of data security in the modern business industry cannot be over-emphasized. It is extremely important for individuals to ensure their privacy and online safety, let alone businesses and corporations. There are well-disguised scams and viruses hiding at almost every turn and corner on the internet. Even remaining as vigilant as you possibly can, you can still be at …

Apache Tomcat installation blog post featured image

Installing Apache Tomcat 9 on Ubuntu 20.04

Apache Tomcat software is a Java-based HTTP server that can run Java technologies like Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages (JSP), and Java Expression Language. The advanced built-in customization options, high flexibility, and impressive stability make the software highly in-demand and a popular pick among developers globally. Let’s see what makes Apache Tomcat stand out among competitors: Open-Source Apache Tomcat is an …

MySQL with Ruby on Rails featured image

Using MySQL with Ruby on Rails App on Ubuntu 21.04

Ruby is a powerful programming language. It’s an interpreted, high-level, and general-purpose language that incorporates multiple programming paradigms. Yukihiro Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby, blended various parts of his favorite programming languages like Perl, Ada, Lisp, Eiffel, Smalltalk, etc., and created Ruby. In his own words, he intended to make Ruby “more natural, not simple”. Much of the popularity of …

Partition and Format featured image

Configuring Storage Devices in Linux- Learning to Partition and Format

Introduction There are many situations where you may need a new disk on your Linux system. For the most part, creating a new disk is a straightforward process. However, things can become complicated if you are trying to tinker with partitioning schemes and filesystem formats. To help simplify the process, this tutorial will give you a step by step outline …

WordPress with MySQL featured image

Setting Up WordPress With MySQL On Kubernetes With Helm

Kubernetes is now the standard way to deploy applications that are scalable and have high availability. Kubernetes allows developers to quickly bring up and down instances as needed to ensure smooth delivery of content. To learn more about Kubernetes, follow our detailed guide Getting to Know Kubernetes. Helm is a very popular package manager that is used to install applications …