Docker Compose on CentOS featured image

Installing Docker Compose on CentOS 7

Dockerisation has redefined the deployment and automation process in the software industry. Since its inception, the Docker team has continuously strived to make automated deployment seamless. Containerization technology does not just enable rapid application development and efficiency, but also saves time and strenuous efforts. Unbeatable functionalities such as orchestrating, defining, and running multi-container applications together make Docker a favorite pick …

Installing MariaDB featured image

Installing MariaDB on CentOS 7

In the world of database engines, MySQL and MariaDB are two of the major players. MariaDB is practically MySQL with some key changes. It’s a community-developed fork of MySQL backed by commercial support, for example, Wikipedia, Google,, etc. MariaDB is free and open-source and guaranteed to stay so. In this guide, we will guide you through the steps of …

MySQL on CentOS 7 featured image

How to Install MySQL on CentOS 7

MySQL is one of the most popular database management systems for websites and server applications. For webmasters, it is an essential tool to learn. MySQL is a relational database that uses SQL (Structured Query Language) for managing its data. MySQL is commonly installed as a part of the LEMP stack that contains Linux, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, and PHP/Perl/Python. You should have …

Apache web server featured image

Installing the Apache Web Server on CentOS 7

A web server stores, processes and delivers web pages to website visitors. There are quite a few Open Source web server software options, but the Apache HTTP server is deemed as the most widely used web server in the world. This is because, apart from being open-source, its modular architecture allows extending its capabilities through adding modules to serve different …

Installing and Setting up Docker on CentOS 7

Introduction Docker is a platform that makes running and managing application processes in containers easier. It provides a way to separate your applications from your infrastructure. Containers are very similar to virtual machines, but they are more portable, efficient, and easy to use. There are various ways to install Docker on Linux distributions. The most popular and easy way to …

LAMP Stack featured image

How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on CentOS 7

LAMP is an acronym of a very popular web stack – Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. All of the four components of LAMP are open-sourced and are suitable to deploy dynamic websites and web applications. In this tutorial,  we will walk you through setting up a cloud server with the LAMP stack. LAMP Stack: L – Linux L in LAMP stands for …

FirewallD featured image

Setting Up a Firewall with FirewallD on CentOS 7

Introduction Firewalld is a firewall management solution that is available to many Linux distributions. It serves as an interface to the iptables packet filter system provided by the Linux kernel. In this guide, you will learn how to configure a firewall for your server. We will also show you the basics of managing the firewall with the firewall-cmd administration tool. …