How can I upload files faster to my cloud servers?

Patrick Baillie

A lot of people need to move files and back forth from the cloud and their cloud servers. Traditional protocols like FTP often perform very poorly particularly over higher latency connections. In fact, the speed you can achieve over any line is a combination of the line speed, the latency and the packet loss rate. Here’s a great free tool …

business continuity features featured image

CloudSigma Security & Business Continuity Features

Security Capabilities CloudSigma endeavors to deliver a high degree of security and privacy for customers in accordance with the various aspects of their computing. This is reflected in CloudSigma’s ISO-27001 certification. We regard this as a top priority. We are committed to openness and transparency with respect to our security procedures and policies. Thus, this post presents a detailed overview …

cloudera tutorial featured image

Setting up a Big Data Cluster on Cloudera Tutorial

CDH is Cloudera’s 100% open source platform distribution, including Apache Hadoop and built specifically to meet enterprise demands. CDH delivers everything you need for enterprise use right out of the box. By integrating Hadoop with more than a dozen other critical open source projects, Cloudera has created a functionally advanced system that helps you perform end-to-end Big Data workflows. (Source). …

Setting up a Big Cluster in 3 Easy Steps

Setting up a Big Data Cluster within Minutes in 3 Easy Steps

HDP is the industry’s a truly secure, enterprise-ready open source Apache™ Hadoop® distribution based on a centralized architecture (YARN). HDP addresses the complete needs of data-at-rest, powers real-time customer applications and delivers robust big data analytics that accelerate decision making and innovation. (Source: I am going to install HDP to create a big cluster of 5 nodes deployed on …

Simple Server Creation

CloudSigma How To Series: Simple Server Creation

This is the first in a series of brief how-to tutorials. The series will cover some of the most used features of our cloud. We hope you find them useful in getting from A to B with your cloud computing at CloudSigma. CloudSigma offers two approaches to server creation – a quick and simple creation process and a detailed, flexible …

Occopus cloud management

OCCOPUS – a Powerful Interface for Orchestrating Infrastructure in the Cloud

CloudSigma is currently participating in a Horizon 2020 research and innovation project called COLA (Cloud Orchestration at the Level of Application). You can read a general overview of the COLA project here, or visit the official project website here. CloudSigma’s primary contribution to the project is to manage the testbed and production of cloud infrastructure and to provide expertise into …

Update rDNS and PTR records

How to Dynamically Update and Manage Reverse DNS/PTR Records for Your CloudSigma Infrastructure

It is now possible to dynamically manage your PTR records on CloudSigma’s DNS servers. This new functionality provides greater flexibility in setting up your applications in our cloud. We now accept dynamic updates of PTR records within our zones. This means that our dynamic DNS servers (DDNS) will accept updates directly from individual IP addresses from the networks used within …

Docker Hub on CloudSigma

How to Run Docker on CloudSigma (with CloudInit) Updated

In the past couple of years, Docker has received a tremendous amount of attention. While the concept of containers is hardly anything new (something we at CloudSigma talked more about in this previous post), Docker appears to have become the go-to container manager. To automatically deploy Docker at CloudSigma, you will need: An SSH key. Basic understanding of Docker. The official …

How to Cgroups

HowTo: CGroups

Well, as you know, GNU & Linux are awesome. Why? Because we have Control Groups (CGroups)! In this post you’ll learn how to: Protect critical system processes for both memory and CPU. A walkthrough video implementing cgroups on a live running server Set up an example implementation of CGroups or SystemD slices. Keeping Everything under Control You can use CGroups …

Manila IPC Public Cloud

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