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Configuring a Firewall with UFW on Ubuntu 18.04

A firewall is one of the core components of securing a system. It’s responsible for managing the incoming and outgoing connections over the network. It’s the primary line of defense for your servers and data. This is why it’s paramount to have a well-configured firewall. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps of setting up a firewall with UFW on Ubuntu 18.04.

UFW on Ubuntu

The term UFW stands for “Uncomplicated Firewall.” It’s a default firewall program that comes pre-installed with Ubuntu. UFW is actually an interface to iptables. The goal of UFW is to make configuring and managing a firewall easier. While iptables, by itself, is a solid and flexible option, it’s not welcoming to beginners. UFW makes it easier for both beginners and experienced users.

First, take a look at our all-encompassing guide that will help you familiarize yourself with the basic UFW functions. You can also follow this guide to install your Ubuntu server. Now, let’s get started!

To begin with, if for some reason, your UFW isn’t installed, install it right away:

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Configuring UFW

  • Using IPv6

As of now, IPv4 is still the dominant force. Keeping that in mind, most of this guide also features IPv4. Thankfully, UFW also comes with support for IPv6. All you need to do is enable the feature from the UFW configuration file.

First, open the UFW configuration file in a text editor. To save the changes, the text editor has to be run with sudo privilege:

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Look out for “IPV6” and make sure that it’s set to “yes”.

  • Default policy

If this is your first time tinkering with a firewall, it’s recommended to define the default policies first. These rules determine how traffic is controlled that doesn’t match any explicit rule. By default, UFW is configured to deny all incoming connections but allow all outgoing connections. It defines that no one can reach the server while an application running on the server can reach outside.

The following commands will just re-define the default behavior of UFW. Note that it’ll change UFW behavior if it was modified before:

3 22

For a personal computer, these firewall rules alone would be enough. However, servers require more to properly harden their security.

Allowing SSH Connections

The way UFW is configured now, it’ll deny all the incoming connections. For a remote server, that’s a no-go. Without access to the server, nothing can be done. To avoid this issue, UFW can be configured to allow incoming SSH or HTTP connections.

To allow SSH connections to the server, run the following command. It’ll essentially tell UFW to allow all connections on port 22. It’s the port that the SSH daemon listens on by default:

Instead of this command, it’s possible to directly configure allowing connections to port 22. This port is defined under the /etc/services file:

Because port 22 is the default for SSH daemon, it can be also susceptible to attack. What if the SSH server is configured to listen on a different port? In such a situation, a UFW must allow connection to that port. Assuming the SSH server is listening to port 1234, then use the following command:

Enabling UFW

While UFW rules are established, they won’t do anything unless UFW is activated. By default, UFW is disabled, meaning despite declaring the rules, it won’t enforce them. To enable UFW, run the following command:

UFW may show a warning message about disrupting the existing SSH connections. Because SSH connections were configured to be allowed, enabling UFW won’t cause any disruption. To see what rules are set, run the following command:

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Allowing Various Connections

At this point, UFW should be equipped with other rules to have a stable experience. The connections that are to be allowed depend on your specific needs. It’s already demonstrated how to tell UFW to allow connections based on the name of a service or port number.

Here are some other ports that are very common to have open:

  • SSH (port 22): This is the default port configured for SSH connections.
  • HTTP (port 80): This is the default port that unencrypted web servers use.
  • HTTPS (port 443): This is the default port that encrypted web servers use.

To enable SSH connections, run either of the following commands:

Next, to enable HTTP connections, run either of the following commands:

To enable HTTPS connections, run either of the following commands:

Port Range

So far, we demonstrated how to allow a certain port. What if there’s a need for a range of ports? Declaring each port to UFW is quite inefficient. Some applications use multiple ports. Thankfully, UFW allows declaring a range of ports. To do so, use the following command structure:

The following example enables X11 connections that use ports 6000 to 6007:

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It’s recommended to declare protocols whenever possible. However, in most cases, it isn’t necessary and things would work just fine.

Specific IP Addresses

When using UFW, it’s also possible to filter connections by specific IP addresses. By default, UFW will block connections from any IP address. It’s possible to declare allowing connection from certain IP addresses. To allow connection from an IP address, use the following command structure:

You can also declare the specific ports the IP address is allowed to connect to. To do so, add to any port followed by the port number to the command:


If you have the necessity to allow a subnet of IP addresses, it’s possible to do so using CIDR notation. In this example, UFW will allow connection from IP addresses ranging from to

Similar to the previous step, it’s also possible to specify the port these IP addresses can connect to:

Connecting to a Specific Network Interface

In a server environment, there may be multiple network interfaces connected to the system. Using UFW, it’s possible to describe that a certain rule only applies to a specific network interface. First, check all the network interfaces connected to the server. The name of the target network interface is the primary focus:

 firewall with UFW on Ubuntu 18.04. 4

In our case, there’s only one network interface ens3 that connects to the public internet. To allow incoming connections from this network interface, use the following command structure:

It’s also possible to define the port that traffic can get to coming from the network interface:

Denying Connection

Per the default configuration, UFW will deny connection from any source (except the declared exceptions). This is the recommended way of using UFW. However, it may be required to block specific connections from a certain source IP address or subnet. Maybe the default behavior of UFW is set to allow all connections (not recommended).

To deny a connection from certain IP addresses, UFW requires deny rules. Writing deny rules is quite simple. Take any allow rule, swap the term “allow” with “deny” and voila! It becomes a deny rule.

Take a look at the following example. To deny any HTTP connection, use the following deny rule:

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To deny connection from, use the following deny rule:

Delete Rules

All we’ve learned so far is how to create rules. Just like rules are created, they can also be deleted. In the case of UFW, there are two specific ways of deleting a rule.

  • Deleting a rule by rule number

This is the simplest way of deleting a UFW rule. Each rule in UFW has a rule number. The following command will print all the UFW rules along with the rule number:

 firewall with UFW on Ubuntu 18.04. 3

The following command will delete the rule specified by the rule number:

11 6

  • Delete rule by actual rule

This is the more difficult method of deleting a rule. It requires manually specifying the actual rule to delete it. In the following example, UFW will delete the rule specified by allow http:

The rule could also have been specified by allow 80. In that case, the following command will delete it:

Deleting a rule will delete it for both IPv4 and IPv6.

Checking UFW Status and Rules

It’s essential to ensure whether UFW is active or not. To determine the status of UFW, run the following command:

 firewall with UFW on Ubuntu 18.04. 2

If the status is “inactive, ” then activate it by following the step Enabling UFW above. If it’s active, then UFW will report the status “active” and list all the active rules.

Disabling UFW

If, for some reason, you will not use UFW, then disable it using the following command:

If UFW is disabled, all the rules created are no longer active. However, the rules aren’t deleted. When UFW is reactivated, all the rules will become active again. What if the current UFW configuration is a mess? Instead of deleting the rules, it’s possible to delete all of them in a single command. To reset UFW, run the following command:

 firewall with UFW on Ubuntu 18.04. 1

Note that it will not change the default UFW behavior that was configured at the start.


A proper firewall configuration is necessary to ensure security and functionality. It should be configured to allow only the necessary incoming connections while limiting unnecessary connections.

If you want to get acquainted with more firewall solutions take a look at our blog for further resources:

Happy computing!