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CloudSigma Sponsors Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Hackathon 2018, Organized by OGC

CloudSigma is very happy to sponsor this year’s Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Hackathon! The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), the European Space Agency (ESA), and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) have come together to search for participants that would build on the results from the recently concluded Testbed-13 initiative and pave the way for Tested-14 and subsequent initiatives in the context of deployment and execution of applications in cloud environments.

The Hackathon started with a Kickoff Workshop Event on the 22nd of March in Orleans, France. This year’s event is executed under the OGC Innovation Program that provides a collaborative agile process for solving geospatial challenges. For more information about this year’s Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Hackathon, you can review the full program here. At the end, participants will enjoy a Demonstration Workshop (@ ESOC Darmstadt) with free beer and pizza! After that, the results will be announced in the form of an Engineering Report on May 31, 2018.

CloudSigma is happy to sponsor this year’s Hackathon and provide participants with its services including:

    • Free cloud resources tailored to the needs of the Hackathon participants
    • Pre-installed image in CloudSigma’s drives library, containing EO tools such as SNAP, QGIS, Geoserver, Geonode and others:

EO Toolkit

In order to get your free tailored account, please contact us at:

Furthermore, CloudSigma has been sponsoring events in the area of Earth Observation for a while now. For example, we are a recurrent sponsor of the Space Apps Challenge in Rome, where we are offering support with free compute resources for the participants to use while developing their groundbreaking innovations.

Our work in the area of Earth Observation has led us to offer a combination between CloudSigma’s powerful computing environment and a repository of Sentinel S-1 SLC data. In fact, this offering creates a unique environment on which to place Earth Observation related workloads and services. CloudSigma couldn’t be more excited to be a part of the collaborative efforts of organizations and businesses to create high-quality open standards for the global geospatial community. In conclusion, we believe that an improved sharing and integration of spatial information would have a widespread and long-standing benefit for businesses and for society at large.

Happy computing and good luck with the Hackathon!


About Zhenya Mocheva

Zhenya is a Digital Marketing Expert at CloudSigma, focusing on brand strategy, social media marketing and digital marketing campaigns. She is passionate about the continuous innovation within the digital environment and the endless growth opportunities that inbound marketing brings.