RISER: RISC-V for cloud services

You may have noticed quite a lot of buzz around RISC-V in tech news over the last few years. There are a few reasons for this, but first of all, what is this RISC-V thing anyway?! RISC-V  is an open standard instruction set architecture (ISA) that’s starting to gain in popularity to the point it’s now considered a viable alternative …

cloud hologpraphy featured image

A Cloud for Holography and Cross Reality (CHARITY)

The CHARITY project is an Innovation Action funded by the European Commission as part of the Horizon2020 Programme. Work started in January 2021 and will continue for 36 months. The consortium includes 15 partners from 10 countries, including 5 industry partners, 2 academic/research organization partners, and 8 SMEs. The project coordinator is Uwe Herzog from EURESCOM (European Institute for Research …

OCRE featured image

CloudSigma Joins the OCRE Project and Continues Partnership with the GÉANT Academic Network

Zurich, Switzerland – January 2021– CloudSigma is excited to announce that it has been selected as an official cloud partner of the Open Clouds for Research Environments project (OCRE). CloudSigma selected for the OCRE project The OCRE project aims to accelerate cloud adoption in the European research community. It does so by bringing together cloud providers, Earth Observation (EO) organizations, …

GÉANT and OCRE voucher program

How to Use the OCRE Voucher Code with CloudSigma

About CloudSigma CloudSigma has recently been selected as one of the cloud partners for the initial phase of the OCRE project – the voucher program. For those of you who never heard of us – CloudSigma is one of the most customizable cloud providers on the market. Its focus is on open design and flexibility with regards to computing deployments. …

CloudSigma and the OCRE voucher program

CloudSigma selected for the initial voucher program of the OCRE project

The OCRE project The Open Clouds for Research Environments project (OCRE) was launched in 2019. Its aim is to bring together cloud providers, Earth Observation (EO) organizations, and the research and education community in order to accelerate cloud adoption. Cloud-based services offer the European research community a wealth of powerful tools. Unfortunately, for many researchers, these are currently out of …

Earth Observation Sofia Hackathon

CloudSigma Sponsors Copernicus Hackathon in Sofia

CloudSigma is excited to sponsor the Copernicus Hackathon Sofia that is going to take place in Sofia, Bulgaria on 19-21 April, 2019. The organisers of the event are the RISK-SPACE-TRANSFER Aerospace Technology Transfer Office (RST-TTO) along with the Center for Excellence “Universities for Science, Informatics and Technologies in e-Society” (UNITe). It is Bulgaria’s first hackathon on the European Earth Observation …

Education cloud services RESTENA use case featured image

Find out what specific features are required by teachers looking for cloud services in education

Partner Profile The RESTENA (“Réseau Téléinformatique de l’Education Nationale et de la Recherche”) Foundation operates the National Research and Education Network in Luxembourg. It supports scientific development by providing and maintaining high quality network infrastructure and services for the needs of education and research in Luxembourg. To achieve its mission, a national network infrastructure, the RESTENA network, has been set …

Space Apps Hackathon CloudSigma Sponsorship

CloudSigma’s Public Cloud Fuels NASA Space Apps Hackathon Since 2013

Palo Alto, Calif. –September, 2018– CloudSigma is excited to sponsor NASA incubator innovation program, Space Apps for the sixth year in a row! This year’s edition, Space Apps Challenge hackathon 2018 will take place October 19-21. Space Apps is an international hackathon that occurs over 48 hours in cities around the world. It is designed to pull together technologists, scientists, …

CloudiFacturing featured image

Open Call Announcement for the CloudiFacturing Project Wave 2 Experiments

The CloudiFacturing project is a European Innovation Action (IA) under the Horizon 2020 Factories of the Future (FoF). To begin with, the main objective of the CloudiFacturing project is to boost competitiveness of European manufacturers by optimizing production processes using Cloud/HPC-based modelling and simulation. Specifically, the project brings together the results of two previously completed projects, CloudFlow and CloudSME. Currently, …

Cloudification of Production Engineering

Cloudification of Production Engineering for Predictive Digital Manufacturing

The Cloudifacturing project is an Innovation Action funded by the European Commission as part of the Horizon2020 Programme. The project started in October 2017 and will conclude in March 2021. The consortium includes 33 partners from industry and academia. The coordinator of the Cloudifacturing project is André Stork, from the Fraunhofer Institute (Germany). The main objective of cloudification of production …

earth observation featured image

CloudSigma Sponsors Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Hackathon 2018, Organized by OGC

CloudSigma is very happy to sponsor this year’s Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Hackathon! The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), the European Space Agency (ESA), and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) have come together to search for participants that would build on the results from the recently concluded Testbed-13 initiative and pave the way for Tested-14 and subsequent initiatives in the context of …


CloudSigma How To Series: Satellite Data Repository

As announced earlier this month, CloudSigma is building and maintaining a repository of Sentinel data backed by a powerful service level agreement ensuring availability and performance. The following tutorial describes how you can access the satellite data in our cloud environment and download a specific image to your CloudSigma cloud server to process it. Accessing the object storage is possible …