Python indexing and slicing featured image

Python 3 Tutorial: Indexing and Slicing Strings

Introduction Python is one of the most popular programming languages across the world. It uses a data type that comprises sequences made up of individual characters. These characters may be letters, numbers, symbols, or whitespace characters. Other types of sequence-based data types include lists and tuples. Just like them, you can also access, index, and slice strings in Python. In …

Python 3 parameters featured image

Using *args and **kwargs Parameters in your Code: a Python 3 Tutorial

Introduction Python is one of the most popular programming languages worldwide. In Python, parameters are a part of function definitions. They enable you to specify certain arguments for a function. The argument can be accepted and applied by the function. However, it is not possible for you to know at the time of coding what exact use cases may be …

GitLab CI featured image

How To Set Up GitLab Continuous Integration (CI) Pipelines on Ubuntu 20.04

Every developer understands how crucial version control is to the software development lifecycle. It enables multiple people to work simultaneously on a single project, each person maintaining their own copy of the code and choosing when to share it with the rest of the team. To achieve this, developers make use of Git repositories to help with version control. GitLab …

Javascript Objects Featured image

Working with JavaScript: What are Objects?

Introduction JavaScript is a computer language that is used all over the world for programming purposes. There are various components that constitute the language. In this tutorial, we will be covering objects which are a data type. Objects are standalone entities that may comprise names, keys, or values. Each of these collections is represented in name:value pairs. These pairs may …

install Java featured image

Installing Java on CentOS and Fedora

In the world of programming, Java has been one of the top programming languages. Java is a high-level programming language that follows the concept of object-oriented programming systems. It’s also a platform-independent language that generates cross-platform applications. Java is everywhere – banking and transactions, web frameworks, games (Minecraft), and even mobile operating systems (Android). In this guide, we will walk …

Text File with Python featured image

The txt File Format: Working with Plain Text Files in Python 3

Introduction One of the primary functions of programming languages is to help you deal with data. This includes data writing, reading, storage, as well as transfer. Python is one of the most popular programming languages. If you are planning to use Python, you should have a basic idea of how to use different file types. The simplest of file types …

JavaScript Date and Time featured image

Basics of JavaScript: How to Work with Date and Time

Introduction Date and time are not only critical components of routine life but also a part of computer programming. Whether you need them to book appointments or display a calendar, there are many reasons why you would require a date and time. The applications of date and time features are extensive and extremely versatile. The versatility comes from the fact …

Pull Request on GitHub

Creating a Pull Request on GitHub

Git is a distributed version control system that is easily scalable. It’s suitable for projects of all sizes. In the Git ecosystem, project codes are stored in a Git repository. The GitHub website is one of the most popular places to host Git repositories. GitHub offers both free and paid services for Git repo hosting. It makes managing Git repositories …

Modules in python featured image

Importing Modules in Python 3: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction Most of us are familiar with Python as a programming language. One of the great things about Python 3 is the myriad of built-in functions it offers. You get access to these functions when you are using Python 3 to write different types of code. Before we start, take a look at our tutorial on installing Python 3 and …

JSON JavaScript featured image

A Tutorial on Working with JSON in JavaScript

Introduction There are many ways that JSON can be used in JavaScript. One of its most basic uses is storing data. You can also use it to transfer data between clients, between servers, or from server to client. Other useful applications include the ability to configure and verify data as well as generate data structures. In this tutorial, we will …

Python 3 objects and classes featured image

Programming with Python 3: How To Go About Constructing Classes and Defining Objects?

Introduction We all know about Python as a programming language. To be more specific, Python is an object-oriented programming language. In object-oriented programming, or OOP, the goal is to make reusable code patterns. This is different from procedural programming where we give a sequence of instructions. Object-oriented code is especially useful when you are working on complex programs. When you …

JavaScript featured image

JavaScript: a Tutorial on How to Index, Split, and Manipulate Strings

Introduction If you want to work in JavaScript, you need to be familiar with strings. A string is a sequence of characters that can be letters, numbers, or symbols. In terms of quantity, it can be one or more than one character. Each character in a string is associated with a number. This is the index number that you can …