oil & gas cloud provider

Part 2: 5 key areas proving the oil & gas industry should embrace the cloud [FREE e-book included]

This is the second post of the two-part series that delves into how oil & gas companies can benefit from cloud infrastructure and why CloudSigma is the right cloud provider for the oil & gas sector. In Part 1 of the series, we looked into the specifics of the oil & gas industry. In this post, we are focusing on how …

oil & gas industry cloud

Part 1: 5 key areas proving the oil & gas industry should embrace the cloud [FREE e-book included]

How does cloud computing benefit the oil & gas industry? This is the first post in a two-part series that will delve into how oil & gas companies can benefit from cloud infrastructure and why CloudSigma is the right cloud partner for the oil & gas industry. The first part of the series takes a look into the specifics of …