Parallax Scrolling Effect with Pure CSS featured image

Creating a Parallax Scrolling Effect with Pure CSS

Modern CSS has redefined web development with its powerful functionalities and extraordinary capabilities. CSS is a one-size-fits-all tool that offers standout options to make web pages highly interactive and enticing. Be it the flexibility in design, rapid customization, excellent styling options, or the advanced User Interface (UI) — CSS brings end-to-end solutions for all web development and styling needs. Above …

Web surfing? After Heartbleed make sure you update your SSL certificate setting in your browsers

With the recent Heartbleed security vulnerability affecting a significant part of the world’s secured internet traffic, most companies have been taking the precaution of renewing their SSL certificates as it is possible to compromise the keys for these certificates using the Heartbleed vulnerability. Unfortunately, many browsers won’t automatically check for revoked certificates (including the most popular Google Chrome). We highly …