Startups flourishing through our new offer

Le Camping
Technology startup companies just starting out have a lot of options in terms of IT environments. Do they invest in a proprietary, physical environment, which may very likely become outdated within a matter of one year? Do they look to implement a hybrid approach with some virtual servers hosted on top of their otherwise physical infrastructure? Or, do they move to the cloud and start off hosting their environment with a third-party public cloud IaaS provider?

Choosing an environment can be tricky, especially as startups often have very specific requirements and experience rapid growth. They need an infrastructure environment that can easily grow with them, but one that’s also flexible enough to meet their constantly changing demands and doesn’t impose commitments or large upfront costs. Startups can’t afford to close any doors when it comes to their long-term strategic future and staring out on a proprietary cloud which significant vendor lock-in might not be a good choice long-term; thanks to our uniquely flexible and customizable public cloud design, more and more startups are choosing CloudSigma.

CloudSigma is putting it’s money where it’s mouth is with 100% matched funding year 1 and 50% matched funding in year 2 for startups. Today’s announcement of this deal offered to all Le Camping incubatees shows the value to startups of affordable access to powerful infrastructure. Le Camping, a Parisian startup accelerator powered by Silicon Sentier just announced another batch of exciting startups into its program and all will be able to take advantage of this offer.

Skimm!, a mobile payment system provider. chose CloudSigma for our unprecedented flexible, and customizable IaaS platform., Both Le Camping and Skimm! found that our platform enables startups to deliver the most optimal performance while still maintaining the desired control and flexibility over their deployments and costs– something market giants like Amazon are unable to provide.

Le Camping manager Alice Zagury noted that “CloudSigma is an ideal provider for our startup community looking to work in the cloud. Not only is its IaaS offering extremely flexible and adaptive, but CloudSigma is also eager to continually improve its platform and collaborate with its customers – something bigger providers like Amazon won’t do. What’s more, with CloudSigma’s unbundled resources and utility pricing, startups in our program don’t risk wasting budget on over-provisioning; they pay for exactly what they use, achieving the best price for performance possible.”

We’re eager to continue working with Le Camping and see the potential growth of promising startups like Skimm! prosper within our cloud. What other qualities do you think startups most value in a cloud environment?

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About Viktor Petersson

Former VP of Business Development at CloudSigma. Currently CEO at WireLoad and busy making a dent in the Digital Signage industry with Screenly. Viktor is a proud geek and loves playing with the latest technologies.