JavaScript Cookies featured image

Introduction to Cookies: Understanding and Working with JavaScript Cookies

Browser cookies, or HTTP cookies, are text files made up of tiny bits of data. Websites use this information to track a user’s journey, allowing them to offer tailored-fit features and improve their browsing experience. Cookies can store up to 4096 bytes of data. However, we can add a limited number of cookies per domain, depending on the browser. A …

The Architecture of Iptables and Netfilter featured image

The Architecture of Iptables and Netfilter

A firewall is a security device (hardware/software) that protects the network by filtering traffic and blocking unwanted/unauthorized access to private data. Having a proper firewall is important to protect your servers and infrastructure. It can not only block unwanted traffic but also block malicious software from infecting the system. In the Linux ecosystem, iptables is a popular firewall that interfaces …