Understanding CPU Steal Time in the Cloud

Are We Stealing from You? Understanding CPU Steal Time in the Cloud

Customers often ask about CPU steal time. Especially those that use the CPUs heavily and for whom it’s a key performance criteria. There are quite a few differences in the setup and behaviour of CPUs and cores between physical and virtual environments. Even between cloud providers there are setups differences that make like for like comparison on the face of …

Bittorrent Sync

How to securely use BitTorrent Sync for backups

A while back I wrote a guest post on BitTorrent’s blog about how to use BitTorrent Sync as an alternative to cloud storage services, such as Dropbox and Box. As a result, this post is an expansion of that post that provides more clear step-by-step instructions on how to securely deploy BitTorrent Sync. Security notes First, since the focus of …

CloudSigma at the Dublin Web Summit 2013

For CloudSigma October is being jam-packed with events as our executive team traveled over some of the most influential conferences like SMPTE, FailCon, EuroBSDCon, GigaOm Structure London and networking with the biggest thought leaders in the industry. This week, CloudSigma’s conference tour continues on with our next stop at Dublin for the Web Summit 2013. The Web Summit brings together the various aspects of the tech community: Designers can be found  alongside  social  media  …

Cloud Utilisation Management

Cloud Utilisation Management is Key to Performance

One of the greatest challenges in running an Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud is how to deliver performance at a cost-effective rate. The key metric behind this is the utilisation management of hardware used in the cloud; too high and performance suffers, too low and prices inevitably rise. How can a cloud provider deliver performance and value for money in this case? An …