Moving from traditional servers to cloud servers and infrastructure provides a golden opportunity to re-think computing architecture. In order to take advantage of the flexibility and responsiveness that the cloud has to offer. Not often discussed, server monitoring has only gained in importance with the move to the cloud. In this blog post I outline how server monitoring can form …
Security in a Public IaaS Cloud Part 2: Access to Cloud Servers
In the second part of my series of blog posts on security I will cover the issue of securing access to your cloud server. Unlike with dedicated hardware, cloud servers offer you the ability to remotely conduct infrastructure management and other actions. These very powerful tools make running your cloud infrastructure significantly more convenient than dedicated hardware. It is however …
Security in a Public IaaS Cloud Part 1: Networking
Infrastructure security is arguably one of the most discussed issues surrounding the use of cloud computing in general. And it isn’t a subject I can see losing its importance or interest any time soon. As a company we often receive questions about our opinions on security. So I decided to outline some thoughts and experiences. Its a huge subject so …
Benchmarking cloud servers: A Cloud Computing Insider’s Guide
Many new customers when they start using CloudSigma want to test the performance; they are often looking to benchmark performance results between cloud servers and their own infrastructure and that makes sense. A straight price comparison by resource doesn’t tell anything like the whole story; what really matters is the end result, how much does it cost to achieve a …
One API to Rule Them All
Ever since I joined CloudSigma there has been lively discussion of creating standards for cloud computing and within the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) sector. There does seem to be precious little discussion regarding what a standard is actually meant to achieve. Whether a standard is really desirable or whether it is the the best way to achieve those ends. I’m going to …
The Case for Charging for IP Addresses
There are three key facts in my mind when it comes to the problem with IP addresses: Fact 1: The world is running out of IP addresses; well the kind that we all use today anyway (version 4). Usage is accelerating and outstripping all previous estimates. We will run out in 2012 at the latest. Fact 2: There are tens …
Flexible Secure IaaS Service: Public Beta Launched
14-day Free Evaluations available. Zürich, Friday 4 June 2010 – CloudSigma AG launches the CloudSigma IaaS platform for public beta this week. The CloudSigma platform allows instant access to highly flexible on-demand computing resources without the restrictions that many IaaS products currently impose. Create, resize and start virtual servers instantly from an innovative and intuitive web console or via a …