Make sure to patch your servers for the Heartbleed bug

Today there was a major security announcement that affected a large number of online services. In short, if you’re running a website that is using OpenSSL (i.e. most websites that are secured by SSL) you are likely to be affected. You can read more about the bug here. You can also check if you’re exposed to this vulnerability using this …

PaaS with Dokku

Build your own PaaS (with Dokku)

One of the most popular PaaS providers today is Heroku. Heroku, along with other PaaS providers like Engine Yard is loved by developers because it makes the deployment of a new application extremely fast and simple. It’s not hard that most developers would rather write code than setting up and troubleshoot servers. So it’s not hard to figure out why …

CloudSigma API v2.0 is now supported in jclouds

This is a guest post by Ignasi Barrera, a PMC member on the Apache jclouds® project and active contributor to jclouds. What is jclouds? Apache jclouds® is a cloud agnostic library for the JVM that enables developers to access over 30 cloud providers using one API. It provides common interfaces to access different services in the cloud, allowing users can …

CloudSigma Shortlisted for the 2013-14 Cloud Awards Program

CloudSigma’s Advanced Hybrid Cloud Offering Recognized for its Industry-First Private Patching and Secure Data Access Zurich, Switzerland – December 23, 2013 – CloudSigma, a public cloud IaaS provider with advanced hybrid hosting solutions, has been shortlisted in the 2013-2014 Cloud Awards Program, marking the third consecutive year that the company has been acknowledged for its customer-centric public cloud platform. Honored …


Virtual machines and disk expansion

Disclaimer: Before we begin, we need to point out that there is always a risk of data loss when you are doing disk expansion. Hence, you should always back up your data before you begin. We do not assume any responsibility for data loss caused by this guide. It is up to you to take proper backups. One of the …

Tracky findet für Kollaborationssoftware eine flexible, kosteneffiziente Public Cloud bei CloudSigma

Die flexiblen, skalierbaren Ressourcen von CloudSigma verringern die Kosten für Tracky um 350 Prozent und bieten das fünffache Leistungsniveau Palo Alto, Kalifornien – 04. Juni 2013–CloudSigma, ein kundenorientierter, reiner Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service(IaaS)-Anbieter, gab heute bekannt, dass Tracky sich zur Unterstützung seiner Kollaborationssoftware für die Public Cloud von CloudSigma entschieden und damit bereits das fünffache Leistungsniveau sowie Kosteneinsparungen von 350 Prozent erzielt …

Tracky Finds Flexible, Cost-Effective Public Cloud with CloudSigma for Social Collaboration Software

CloudSigma’s Flexible, Scalable Resources Reduce Tracky’s Costs by 350 Percent and Show Five Times Greater Performance Levels Palo Alto, Calif. – June 4, 2013 – CloudSigma, a customer-centric, pure-cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) provider, today announced that Tracky has selected CloudSigma’s public cloud to support its social collaboration software and has already achieved five times greater performance levels and 350 percent cost …

Benchmarking cloud servers

Benchmarking cloud servers: A Cloud Computing Insider’s Guide

Many new customers when they start using CloudSigma want to test the performance; they are often looking to benchmark performance results between cloud servers and their own infrastructure and that makes sense. A straight price comparison by resource doesn’t tell anything like the whole story; what really matters is the end result, how much does it cost to achieve a …