The IT professionals road map for navigating the cloud revolution

According to Gartner, total IT spending for public Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) will total $72bn between 2012 and 2016 with a CAGR of 42%. Given the current market size this means companies will be moving the majority of that $72bn INTO public cloud services in the coming years. Although the market for server capacity is clearly growing strongly across all delivery mechanisms, …

Europe’s giant science cloud: give people data and good things happen

Big Science in Europe has been busy and here at CloudSigma we’ve been heavily involved in helping to build a federated cloud platform that can address the needs of Big Science. It is something I’m personally very excited about as it holds then potential to unleash large-scale computing for some of the world’s thorniest problems including genetic research, climate change, …

Overcoming Resource Over Commit and Bundling Issues in the Cloud

In a recent LinkedIn posting on the IaaS Infrastructure as a Service forum, a conversation developed around the issue of cloud providers using the ability to over commit resources to drive down their prices. Essentially, this means that while a provider may have the resources (CPU, RAM, storage, etc.) to support a specific volume of a computing resource, they know …

Web VNC App launches in the Chrome Webstore

Web VNC App launches in the Chrome Webstore Zürich, Wednesday 8 December 2010 CloudSigma AG, a leading European provider of cloud servers, is pleased to announce the launch of the Web VNC application featured in Google’s newly launched Chrome Webstore. By offering a full VNC session from within the browser, the Web VNC app removes the need for users to …

Beta Testing Begins on a New Cloud Web Hosting Platform

Beta testing begins on a new cloud web hosting platform London, Tuesday 16 November 2010 Hybrid Logic Ltd, a United Kingdom-based company today announced the commencement of the first round of beta testing of their PaaS (platform-as-a-service) software product, Hybrid Web Cluster in partnership with CloudSigma AG of Zurich, Switzerland. Hybrid Web Cluster is a cloud web hosting platform designed …

Fedora 14 Cloud Servers and Hosting Launched Today

Zürich, Friday 5 November 2010 CloudSigma AG, a leading provider of instantly deployable cloud servers is pleased to announce the release of the new Fedora 14 server in its cloud. The new Fedora 14 server image can be instantly deployed to create high performing cloud servers easily. Patrick Baillie, CEO commented ‘As a platform we try hard to ensure that …

FreeBSD 8.1 and ZFS launched for cloud servers

CloudSigma launches FreeBSD 8.1 and ZFS in the Cloud Zürich, Wednesday 27 October 2010 CloudSigma AG, a leading European provider of cloud servers, is delighted to announce the addition of FreeBSD and by extension ZFS to its cloud computing platform. A FreeBSD 8.1 pre-installed cloud server is now available for instant deployment from CloudSigma’s public drives library. Patrick Baillie, CEO …

Ubuntu cloud servers

Ubuntu 10.10 Cloud Servers with full root access and 14 day free trial announced

Zürich, Thursday 14 October 2010. CloudSigma AG, a leading European provider of cloud servers is pleased to announce the launch of a new range of pre-installed Ubuntu 10.10 servers in its cloud. CloudSigma customers can now enjoy the new features of Ubuntu’s new ‘Maverick Meerkat’ release. They are in the form of instantly deployable high performing cloud servers. Patrick Baillie, …

FreeBSD Cloud Hosting

FreeBSD Servers in the Cloud from CloudSigma Run FreeBSD on our cloud servers with full root control. Benefit from our completely open software and networking layers, enabling you to fully customise your cloud infrastructure. Discover high performing FreeBSD cloud computing with CloudSigma!   You will immediately notice the difference when using cloud servers compared with traditional Virtual Private Server (VPS) …

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Servers and Cloud Hosting

CloudSigma is one of the fastest growing cloud computing companies in the world. The reason for that is: High performing servers starting from just $0.026/euro;0.02 per hour! Discover the difference With our unique features you won’t look back: No instance sizes, specify your own server size A free choice of operating system; Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, you choose! Full root access …

Reseller cloud

Reseller Hosting in the Cloud

Resell Cloud Hosting with a CloudSigma cloud server Build a competitive web hosting platform on our cloud infrastructure. Choose from leading platforms including CPanel hosting and Plesk Hosting. Furthermore, our cloud servers allow you to resell cost-effective web hosting combined with the many benefits that a cloud computing platform has to offer. More than that, our cloud servers enable you …

New Cloud Server Security Suite Launched

Zürich, Friday 17 September 2010 CloudSigma AG, a leading European provider of cloud servers, is pleased to announce the launch of the cloud security suite in conjunction with its cloud computing platform. Designed to work in conjunction with its existing innovative web console interface, the new security suite offers enterprise level security options for public cloud servers. Patrick Baillie, CEO …