CoreOS Servers in the cloud

CoreOS is a brand new type of server operating system that is built for scale and running containers. Contrary to most operating systems, CoreOS is designed to run in a clustered environment with all the intelligence required for that built-in. We let you try CoreOS for free for seven days.

In collaboration with the engineers at CoreOS, we’ve developed a new customized CoreOS version that is designed to run on the CloudSigma innovative cloud platform.

Create my free CoreOS Server

Claim your seven day free trial, no credit card required.

CoreOS Cloud Hosting

More details on how to run CoreOS can be found here. Out-of-the-box, you will be able to run both Docker containers, and CoreOS’s own Rocket containers.

To start using CoreOS, all you need to do is to click ‘Create my CoreOS instance’ and a CoreOS server will appear in your account.

Please note that you will need to add your SSH key before you start the server. Otherwise you will not be able to login. The default username is ‘core’.

Create my free CoreOS Server

Claim your seven day free trial, no credit card required.